Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Random Wednesday

1. Alllll of the Amazon posting yesterday drove me insane in the membrane. Like do I NEED any of that?! No! Only a ring camera that I have been waiting to buy. 

2. On Sunday when we came home from the beach, our fridge was so empty so Kevin was like we should clean it before we put our food that we brought back with us in there. Well I went to town on that and got it clean! Only took about 20 minutes and it felt so good. 

3. Working out has taken a backseat since swim team started in mid May. Then Hawaii happened and I didn't go walk in the mornings like I usually enjoy doing. Then more swim team. Then beach for 10 days and I only walked a couple of times. Anyway, I'm back on the train now so that's the most important part. 

4. I'm also up to my eyeballs at work. The commerical world of real estate right now is no bueno. The market isn't moving. Nothing is selling. So it's kinda ironic how busy I am. We got a new client a few months ago and three very different territories across the country for them and I'm also working on setting up all of our vendors for that. Anyway! 

5. What do you all do with your elementary kid's school work? I had a stack that I kept all school year but then I like to go through that and only keep the special things. Molly Anne and I did that last night and it was nice to get that pile out of my office! A few years ago I made bins that have file folders labeled with each grade and extracurricular. So that's where I keep that grade's special things and any swim or other sport reward stuff! Maybe I should post about those. I'm sure you've seen them on Pinterest. 

6. We are going to a wedding soon and I cannot find a dress to wear. It also doesn't help that I'm not familiar with the venue or how dressy it will be. We haven't been to a wedding in years so I don't have many dresses like that these days!

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats a clean fridge! It is one of the chores I dread but makes me feel so much better once done! I also fell off the workout wagon the past few weeks and need to get back in the saddle!

    Similar to what you mentioned above, I save all the school work and then my daughter and I go through and save the special stuff in a large bin with the spacers labeled by grade :)
