Friday, July 28, 2023

Getting Ready for the School Year

I have been on quite the mission getting ready for this school year. Here are some things I've done to make the last couple weeks of August and first of September much easier.

- ordering new running shoes for the kids which they won't wear until Native shoe season is over

- getting first day of school teacher gifts done (I always do these pens and a Starbucks gift card). I will even wrap these now so then when I know who their teachers are, I'll just put their names on the gift.

- printing out signs with our last name on them for car line.

- joining the PTO and getting our company sponsorship done.

- calling pediatrician's office to find out when they're putting flu shot clinic dates out then marking on my calendar.

- Grady's lunchbox monogrammed so he can find it with all of the other kid's PBK lunchboxes.

- making sure I'm stocked up on cards that I can use for teachers from the class.

- making sure I'm stocked up on wrapping materials (tissue, bags, ribbon, tags) for room mom duties.

- cleaned out all of their school work from last year and put it in their memory bins. 

 - print out pictures from mpix because you know you're going to need some family pictures for the beginning of the year.

These are just some things that I know will make my life easier later! 

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