Friday, May 28, 2021
Last Day of School
Memorial Day Weekend
The kids and I had a little talk about it as we put the flags out together. Simple teachable moment!
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Father's Day Gifts

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Target Run
It’s concrete but not very heavy. It’s sturdy though if that makes sense.
Happy Target shopping!
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
This Week
Honestly I'm a bit on overload this week. Swim team is every afternoon. It's Molly Anne's last week of school. Her jazz recital is in two weeks so they have different practice times this week than usual. I'm doing room mom stuff for the end of the school year, it's just busy.
I went to a parent information meeting for the dance competition team on Saturday morning to get more information about the time commitment and everything. Honestly I'm sort of struggling with the decision on if Molly Anne should do it or not. And I don't know if your child is like mine but how do I find out if she really wants to do it? It all sounds good now but it's two week nights all of next school year for an hour and 45 minutes each time. She's been doing that this year but only for about 45 minutes each time. I like the commitment of her being part of something super fun, the team atmosphere, her growth that would happen, all of those things....I just don't know how much she will love it. But it's our job to give her the opportunities then let them pick and choose their favorites.
And let's not even talk about what she's doing this summer. I barely have my act together for that. I sort of have a nanny for her and I have signed her up for 5 camps but they're all only mornings. I don't know...I guess it'll figure itself out.
I'm just soooo busy right now with work stuff and pretty overwhelmed with what's going on there. It's again like this whole other part of my life that I have in my brain that takes up a lot of time, energy and sleep time. I am up in the middle of the night worried about work. I've been working at nights after the kids go to bed. That's been that way for a good amount of time now. It's not every night or anything but I get my work done.
And I need to figure out something fun for Grady to do next school year. He deserves to get to do something too...other than swim. Swim is like a life skill to me and is a requirement. I think maybe he will do soccer one more season and we will go from there. He obviously doesn't know what he likes and doesn't like! Molly Anne only did soccer at his age so maybe we will continue the tradition!
At some point between now and Thursday I need to get some work done to my car.
I have some beach house stuff I need to figure out this week.
Oh and Mills got groomed last week and they neglected to trim one of his paws but I haven't had a chance to take him back over there yet. I may just trim it in the interest of time.
Never a dull moment in case you thought it was all roses over here!
Monday, May 24, 2021
Weekend at Home
A golf cart ride around the hood after the kids were in bed turned into hanging on Margot’s back porch!
Sunday morning visit to Cabelas. Highlight of my kids life. Not kidding. They LOVED it. Kevin went to get a bunch of fishing stuff for the beach. And Molly Anne got a My Little Pony fishing rod. It's so funny - she used to love My Little Pony a couple of years ago then got out of it and now she likes it again.
Weekly fruits and veggies from Wal-Mart. Strawberries were terrible but everything else was good.
More pool time. Grady napped for 3.5 hours then Kevin took him to Sams to get some stuff.
We grilled a pork tenderloin and had that, asparagus and fruit for dinner. Yum.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Five on Friday - Dance Awards and Swim
This is what swim team practice for Grady looked like every day this week!!
I’m a firm believer in positive reinforcement!! For my kids, especially Molly Anne, they thrive off of it!
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Oh my goodness J. Crew may be going back to having their old trusty classics! Love this new top and they have it in white and lilac too.
Flattering and you can even play with your kids at the pool or beach in this swimsuit!
Love these earrings!
A dress for all occasions - work, bridal/baby shower, going out, anything.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Being Nice
Monday, May 17, 2021
Flowers, Busy Saturday
Friday afternoon we played in the driveway with the kids then grilled out for dinner.
Queen went inside to get her hat then came out with my pool shades on too haha.
Think it’s time for this cute Little English dress to go see her friend Ella!
Saturday was a crazy day. First up, Molly Anne tried out for the competition team at dance. She loved jazz and tumbling so much this year so she decided to try out. We don’t find out until mid June after her recital for this last year but it’s a good life lesson either way. I told her to do her best and that’s all she could do!
I took her home and traded with Kevin so I could take Grady to a birthday party for one of his friends from school. Hilary took Molly Anne to tennis while we were at the party.
Then I picked up one of Molly Anne’s friends and brought her home to play for the afternoon. We did all kinds of things but while we were on a golf cart ride we discovered the pool opened for the season. So of course we went home to change into bathing suits then went back!!
Crazy nuts in the pool when the water temp couldn’t be above 70! Swim team starts today so she’s going to be already ready to go!
Saturday night Julia came to hang with the kids and we went to dinner with Benjy and Jess at Noble Smoke. It was sooooo good. I don’t normally go nuts over meals but this was legit. The vibe was awesome with the live band, pretty weather and lots of people hanging out.
Wearing that dress I posted about last week. I now want to wear it daily!
Easy like Sunday morning!
We went to Le Peep for breakfast then grabbed our groceries. Prepped all of that for the week, we took naps then went to the pool again. Good times. Ended the weekend by grilling out crab chicken and had that with corn and green beans. Yum.