Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday - Mock Swim, Towels

1. Had our mock swim meet this week. I had to bust home from work to get them over there in time. Swim is 6 weeks and wild every year!!! They both did great though. Molly Anne swam the IM again this year. Grady did backstroke too! 

2. Grady built this creation and asked his teacher to send me a picture. Isn't it so cool? The pic made my day!

3. Mills is doing better!

4. Grady needed some new towels. These are my favorite long lasting towels. I still have some from high school. Check out what he wanted on them - golden retrievers! So cute!

5. Had another work trip this week. Tried to fit it in before school gets out. It was chaos me being gone this time of year. It was one of those times of "ok I cannot work anymore, this is insane!" Ahhhhh. 

Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Grady has his last baseball game tomorrow. George Strait and Chris Stapleton are in town for an awesome concert but we aren't going. Talk soon!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

4 Super Reasonable and 1 Not So Much

Today I have 4 super cute and reasonable items and 1 not so much. You'll see!

ONE - these earrings are super cute and $25, free shipping. Jazz any outfit up. 

TWO - this dress caught my eye in the store. Under $200

THREE - I'm sort of getting on the linen shorts train. Much more comfortable than most jean shorts. These are $20. 

FOUR - if you're picky about wedges because they're uncomfortable, feel like you're going to fall or they're too expensive. TRY THESE! Size up - usually I wear an 8 but I wear a 9 in these.

FIVE - alright here is the the big splurge. One of my co-workers told me how fabulous this Dyson Airstrait is and I did not believe her. So she brought hers in so I could try it in the work bathroom. Let me tell you, this thing is magical. When I came to work, my hair was super crimpy from the beach this past weekend and this made it so smooth, straight and soft. Even better after I used this then brushed my hair. And it's $100 off. And I have a gift card so I may just have to use it. Ahhhhh I hate when I like nice things but this could be life changing for my mop of hair!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Grady Lost His First Tooth

On Sunday, May 26th, Grady lost his first tooth while we were in Ocean Isle!!! He kinda just fell out that morning. Funny! The adult tooth is already coming in so it was only a matter of time. Now both of my kids have lost their first tooth in Ocean Isle!

He's a little cutie. 

He was stoked to find all of this money! They say the tooth fairy is rich in OIB but in reality they've both just lost their first tooth there! 

Off to Beach Life with Kevin to pick out something with his cash!

Love all of these special big moments for my kiddos. This was so fun for Grady!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend

We are always proud and thankful to be Americans, this weekend and every day. 

We had a wonderful time with dear and old friends this weekend! We headed down to Ocean Isle on Thursday night. Molly Anne missed her first day of school all year on Friday but it was well worth it! Cartoon watching. Hopefully not YouTube! 

Brad and Shauna joined us on Friday and about 4 or 5 other families too! It was a big high school reunion group of Kevin's buddies!

Haley, Tanya, Erin, Me, Shauna

We had an amazing time all weekend. I'll let the pics do the talking. It was special seeing all of the kids together and the big kids too!

Our neighbor two doors down gave us soooo much tuna and mahi. This was our tuna app and the next night I made mahi bites sprinkled with a little old bay!

First night Erin and Rob hosted pizza, wings and salad before the concert. Saturday night we had a low country boil and about 40 people to our house. Sunday we did burgers and dogs and there were only like 23 of us. 

All of the dudes that grew up together!

Ignore our not finished rock (hard to get people to work at the beach) but check out the three Grady White boats in a row. 

It was a weekend well spent. Treasured friendships, important chats, tons of high noon and a lot of really tired kids! 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

This Week

This week has been insane and I knew it was going to be like that since about February. But here I am. Been to Vegas for 21 hours, slept about 2. Came home. Had Member Member Tennis at our club which is one of my favorite things ever. Still alive. 

Poor Mills isn't doing well but he's been seen again at his oncologist and we have a big wound to heal. Zero clue how it happened. But it's an answer to why he's been limping and why his leg is so swollen. He is such a good boy. We are doing all we can for him. And have for some time. I truly feel confident in that. But we will keep doing what we are doing until it becomes for us. Ahhhhh!! I love him. 

Onto something frivolous and fun...

ONE - these shorts are super fun and make an outfit look put together. On sale for $50

TWO - love this dress. Classy and flattering. On sale 40% off. 

THREE - a top that looks expensive but isn't outrageous. 

FOUR - I can't stop with these "comfy" tanks. These are not for working out. They're for hanging out ha! They're wonderful! $23 right now. 

FIVE - can't go wrong with a top that you can wear for all of the things!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hanging Around Weekend

Mills came to tennis lessons on Friday afternoon. He has a tennis ball with him of course!

Impromptu night with our peeps. They all kinda match. DBs for dinner then hanging in the back yard. Hadn't had that kind of night in awhile and it was much needed. 

This boy had an awesome game on Saturday! Played good defense in the field and had some big hits. 

His biggest fan 

When we came home from baseball I noticed how much bigger Mills' leg was than the other. He had been limping for a week but after his vet appointment on Tuesday it was better. Saturday it was terrible again. I took him to the emergency vet which is the same place as his oncologist. They consulted and couldn't find the cause. Could be an infection or blood clot. X rays look good ortho and cancer wise. He's on all of the medicines. It's still not any better. It's so sad. He won't put any weight on it. 

Molly Anne and I took him. Then we had to leave and I'll spare you the rest of the details but it was a 5 hour ordeal. Loving on her best buddy. They take really good care of Mills there. Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Matthews if anyone is local. They're amazing. 

Sunday morning I found this. It was cute. Molly Anne has always been very attached to Mills but honestly Grady has a very special relationship with him too. I've been sleeping downstairs with him. I hope we get more answers this week. 

Got these pictures hung. We had them at 10 months and 2.5 years but I just got their 5.5 year olds framed and now hung! Kind of obsessed. Dubose Photography

While MA was at a party, we went to Sam's. Kevin LOVES Sam's club I'm here to tell you! He was so happy that I came too to see all of the things that they have!! I'm not kidding! 

We had a good dinner that I grilled then we all called it an early night. This week is gonna be a mess but I'm here for it!