Friday afternoon we got word that the kids school is closed until the new school year begins, whenever that may be. This kind of threw me for a big loop because I thought they’d open the daycare side of things at some point but now they’re not. So I’ve been scrambling trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the summer. The whole situation is ever-changing so it’s hard to know what to do but I have a few options and I think one will work out sooner rather than later. Ahhhhhh deep breaths.
This picture is from one day last week but we were talking to my SIL and she told Molly Anne to go find some magazines and cut out pictures and make a collage. So she did! I’m not sure what to think about the wine bottle that made an appearance!

Friday we grabbed donuts for a friend and got a few munchkins for us because my kids can’t go to Dunkin without having a donut. I have raised them right haha. We played outside all morning. Actually we’ve basically lived outside since Friday morning. It’s been so so nice out. Thank goodness for this amazing weather! Our playroom hasn’t been touch since mid last week. I only know because I cleaned it up to spotless condition and it’s still that way ha! A true record.

Molly Anne flying a kite while riding her bike!
I did curbside pickup from Union Market and it was fantastic. So happy to have some freshness in our house again! They don’t shop for curbside orders out of what’s available for the walk up customers so it feels extra safe to me. Plus it’s supporting one of our friend’s businesses and that is always good.
Friday afternoon I took the kids golfing. I’ll post about that separately but it was fun!
Friday night Kevin made a fire and we hung out back.
Saturday morning I went to the chick fil a drive thru to get breakfast and no one came with me. A true miracle. I think that was the first time I’d been alone in 6 weeks. Seriously.
My buddy loves to play with all of his cars, tractors and trains after breakfast downstairs each morning. He’s been a good independent player since being at school but he’s done a good job of it at home too. I think he figured it out rather quickly that he had no choice unless he wanted to do girly stuff all day.
I took Grady on a walk Saturday morning while Kevin and Molly Anne hung and she watched Spirit on Netflix. Girlfriend is obsessed with it. Grady and I got to see some neighbors and chit chat which is always good these days!
Saturday night I was craving sushi so we ordered from a semi new place called Red Sake. So good. We will be ordering from there again. They brought it right out to my car, I didn’t even have to call when I got there. This one pretended to sleep on the way home. I had Grady too. They both cried when I tried to leave by myself. We are at that point.
The goal for Sunday was to finish organizing the garage and Molly Anne really wanted to put the canopy on the wagon, so we did! She figured it all out by herself how it went on. I was proud of her. Yes, a long wagon ride happened! We were outside all morning again.

Nap time. They both slept. I took a nap on the porch sofa (nothing better!). Kevin watched some show he’s been into. This is what Molly Anne called her golden retriever bed! She tucked them both right in!
Mills is always outside with us on an extra long leash that Santa brought him. He loves being out there watching the kids and all of the people and dogs walk by!
Kevin made us some tomato mozzarella basil burgers for dinner that were delish. Kids had plain cheeseburgers. We also grilled some onion, mushroom, green pepper and garlic mixture as a side. The kids and I had a chick pea salad I made with red onion, orange pepper, parsley, tomatoes and cucumber. It was good. Molly Anne barely ate it but Grady ate the chickpeas. They both love hummus so whatever!
After dinner sweet treat for a ride! And let it be known that my child had gone up before dinner and taken a bath herself and put on her nightgown. That was major deal. I hope it continues!!! It was a huge help.

Happy Monday. Week 7. I have three conference calls back to back today. It’s gonna be awesome. ;)