Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Molly Anne is 8!

Today, Molly Anne is 8! She LOVES her birthday and honestly she does have a pretty awesome birth day!

Here are some things about our Molly Annie!

1. She is always busy and doesn't like going to bed at night in fear she will miss something!

2. She loves being in the water whether that's at the pool or the beach. Girlfriend would live in it all day every day if she could.

3. Her favorite color is blue. Her favorite number is 8. She loves any type of sweet treat.

4. She is very much into American Girl and any sort of crafts these days.

5. She is not shy. She is very outgoing and pretty easy. She'll go talk to anyone or do whatever.

6. Riding her bike and scooting around the hood are favorite activities. 

7. She is trying volleyball and softball this summer with camps. She liked volleyball. TBD on softball. Last year she played field hockey, basketball and lacrosse while she also swam year round. Her top pick was basketball so she's going to do that again this year. I love that she's trying a lot of new things! 

8. She has a tender little heart sometimes and I understand where she gets that. We have a journal that we write in together and that's been nice to do. It's the Mom and Me on Amazon. 

9. She is a big reader and would read all night long if I let her! 

10. Grady and Mills are her very favorites! Probably in that order but hard to tell. Depends on the day haha!

We love her dearly and hope she has an amazing year of being 8!

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