Friday, January 24, 2025

Happy Friday!

Is it still January?

It's been quite a week! Grady has been down a couple of days with the flu. Then someone else in my house got it. Hint hint not Molly Anne or I. Yes the world was close to ending! ;) Molly Anne had a dental procedure where they clipped the thingy that connects your lip to gum on the top. She's also dealing with some dermatology issues. And we had a snow day and a two house delay day in there too!

Molly Anne has been a champ through it all. She really stepped up this week and helped cook, clean up and took care of everything on her own. It was nice and I was sure to mention that to her! It's wild to see her growing up. She's super capable and on top of her school work. I should do a whole post about that. 

Mills' MRSA wound is open again. So there's that. Back to wound care for the puppy.  

I like looking for new clothes and house stuff but I'm on a no spending kick. In January we are always trying to play catch up from Christmas and get things in order for the new year. 

We bought a big outlet center this week at work that I am super involved in. That's been exciting and time consuming in the best way possible. 

So this new meal plan thing I've been doing. It's been super helpful for keeping the grocery costs down and making easy meals for during the week. @thevanillatulipfarmhouse is where I got it and she curates these great plans and shopping lists for 6 weeks then you repeat it so 3 whole months planned out. Typically I don't like these things but this one was has been great. Her recipes are kinda how I cook anyway and don't have a zillion ingredients. I make about three of hers a week. 

We have lots of basketball tomorrow. Did I tell yall I'm helping coach both of their teams? It's so fun. 

Chat soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Love that you are coaching!! I did soccer this fall, and it was a LOT but very fun!!! I'm doing a low spend February because it's time to get ducks back in a row!
