Wednesday, November 16, 2022

On Turning 40

Ya know, I’m not real thrilled about turning 40! I remember when my parents turned 40 and they put coffins out in the road and wrote “Lordy Lordy (so and so) is 40!” Feels like yesterday. 

And now I’m turning 40 tomorrow. I’m sort of okay with it but here are my thoughts. 

I got to go to NC State for 5 years. I studied a lot and worked hard for my grades. I had fun as a Chi Omega and then had some more fun. I graduated in engineering and business and moved from Raleigh to Charlotte for a job and have been here ever since. 

I had a great time in my 20’s. I was out of college, working, living the dream in my condo uptown, traveling for friend’s weddings and for my work. I had a goooood time!

Kevin and I got married when I was 30. We moved to south of town to a real house and real neighborhood. He surprised me with Mills for my 30th birthday. I had Molly Anne when I was 32. I had Grady when I was 35. Then lots of years of raising babies. Now they’re at much easier ages (4 and 7) and full of life. They bring soooo much joy to me. They’re truly my biggest gift of all times and always will be. 

Kevin and I both have each sets of our parents and even though not all are 100% perfect health, they are all here and able. We couldn’t be more thankful for that. Combined, they’ve been married 100+ years. The example they’ve shown is truly amazing. In sickness and in health. 

I have a job that I love with people that I love. I’ve worked at my company for 15.5 years. Longer than I’ve known Kevin. I’ve gotten so many life experiences from my work. I’ve traveled to so many places, gotten to see so many things, meet so many different people, eat ridiculous meals and drink ridiculous drinks, all because of work. I’ve truly grown up there. They’ve seen me in my single years, dating years, engaged years and were at our wedding. They came to the hospital and our home to meet our newborns. 

The life Kevin and I have built has been amazing and wonderful at the same time. We are thankful for what we have and have worked for what we have. We think showing our children work ethic is a good thing. Work hard play hard. Raise them right. We don’t have it all together but we try! Kevin and I were talking on the way home from the beach Sunday and he said, “ya know, we have it all. We have our parents and two perfect children!”

In general, I look forward to my 40’s. I hope to spend more time with my kiddos and less time worrying about work. I hope to travel more. I hope to keep working out and showing Molly Anne and Grady a healthy lifestyle as best I can. I hope to be at their school more to volunteer. I hope to do more of what I love daily and quit stressing the little things. I hope to continue traditions we’ve started along the way. I hope to start new ones. I hope to play more tennis. I hope to keep blogging. I hope to hang out with old and new friends. I hope to live each day full of happiness and thankfulness! 

Cheers friends! Thank you all for being here!

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