1. How cute are these beach balls? Super fun to stick in an Easter basket and on sale!

2. Shopping for a Daddy Daughter Dance dress. Key requirement - must twirl! It is the one event that I really don't care what Molly Anne wears as long as it looks nice and she feels really good in it! This one from Nordstrom is under $40.

3. Grady has been very into this particular book. Nannie gave him this book at Halloween and we've probably read it every night since. I love that he loves books!
4. I can tell you right now that Molly Anne would want this bath mat if I ever showed it to her!

5. If you ever see us out at a restaurant which you probably never will ha, you'll see my kids getting down with some Water Wow! I'm a strict no electronics at the dinner table, no judgement, do what works for you! Believe me, I've wanted them to have tablets A LOT. Other ideas to take with you out to dinner... pipe cleaners (make random things with these), little containers of playdoh (thank you Hilary for this genius one!), Scratch and Sketches (they have lots of different ones) and stickers galore from the dollar store. Occasionally I'll take markers for Molly Anne but that's only when I'm in a really good mood because I don't like picking up the tops off of the floor!

You should totally get that bath mat for MA! We have it for SC, and she loves it. We both think it is so cute!