Friday, October 27, 2023

Current After School Activities

Thought it'd be fun to "document" what my kiddos are into these days after school and on the weekends. Sadly if they don't start this early, there's zero chance they make the high school teams. I think it's totally ridiculous but I'm here to help them succeed if they want to play sports. So, I put them in what I think are good programs and try to make it work with my schedule, within reason! 

Molly Anne - she is still swimming twice a week at MSA...on year two of this. Technically she has practice on Saturday mornings too but she never wakes up in time for it and the girl needs to sleep by the time Saturday rolls around. She has gotten worked at school all week! She is also playing tennis with a 30 minute lesson at our club each week. In October, she has done a karaoke club at school one day a week and she has loved that. It's put on by one of her favorite teachers so that's been fun. 

Grady - he's playing soccer at his old school. One practice a week and game on Saturday. It's very scheduled and predictable which is nice. He's playing tennis for 30 minutes right before Molly Anne's lesson too. 

I like the two things per child situation - it's PLENTY! And still lets us stay semi-sane. But it is every day that they have something - Monday through Thursday. Fridays I like to CHILL and we leave a lot of weekends. 

Soon, sports seasons are changing. Swim for MA will stay. Unsure about tennis - may depend if they like cold tennis or not haha. Toughen them up! Soccer is almost over. 

Grady is going to play flag football this winter and Molly Anne is going to play basketball. I need to get Grady back into swim and will probably do that in February-ish. He really likes swimming. 

Not sure what Spring will bring. Grady says he wants to play baseball for the third year. Who knows what Molly Anne will do...maybe more tennis or maybe more lacrosse?  She also wants to do gymnastics/tumbling. We will see! They both like to do ALL.OF.THE.THINGS!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it is crazy that these days if kids don't start a sport early than it will impact their ability to play in high school - it makes it so hard!! My girls do gymnastics, dance, and tennis. In the summer we have swimming, surfing, and golf - giving all the options!!
