Is this not ridiculous?! OCD organization! One night last week I cleaned out the workout clothes I don't wear anymore and lined up what I do wear so I know what I need and don't need! Let's be honest - my workout clothes have taken a beating since corona time because it's all I wear! I have some new favorites!
Top two tanks (neon yellow and delicate pink) are my new favs from Athleta! They fit wonderfully!
The white down to black tanks are Lululemon! They're the most cool (temperature wise) tank tops I have to work out in and are longer than the Athleta ones!
Hot pink down to navy are all Lilly! These days, I prefer these to hang around the house in. I still wear them to cycle and run in but not as much as the other two styles!
Oh yes, shorts!
My most favorite are the top five - these Lululemon ones. They're so nice, wear well and are cool. I don't dry them even though I dry everything else in my closet!
The bottom three (black, orange and gray) are old Athleta and they don't make them that good anymore that I've found!

I'm not even going to pretend to link all of these but mostly they're Zella, some Lilly, and my old trusty $35 Under Armour for cycling. I'm not a fancy legging least not yet!! But I swear by those UA leggings for real workouts. Zella actually makes some in a material called Zeltek that are good for hot workouts too.
Now I need to tackle my long sleeve shirts!
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