Is quarantining a verb now? Yes.
Here are some things we’ve been up to as we quarantine! Maybe it’ll give you some new ideas too? Don’t get too excited because I have never been a teacher and I’m not creative at all! I’m just trying to do fun practical things with them and juggle my work at the same time. It’s truly a circus so don’t let these pictures be deceiving. These are the highlights FOR SURE!
Neighborhood magical message garden. This was such a treat to find! We painted six rocks and took them over. I let them each pick one to bring home. So special. We are planning to add more this week with a simple message on each one!
Stringing Easter eggs with no-wax dental floss. And hang them on a tree in your front yard. Pro tip from my friend Jen - most eggs already have two holes punched on top. Easy!
We’ve done a lot of chilling...well she has. She hasn’t felt wonderful so she’s completely chilling during Grady’s nap every day. Sometimes she naps too.
Morning cartoons. Not every day but some days depending on what I have work wise.
We’ve done a ton of chalk! Got this idea from Margot! Use painters tape and then have your children color in each space! Then rip the tape off and done!
We’ve been decorating the sidewalk in front of our house after every rain. There are so many more people walking in our neighborhood and we think it’s fun to bring cheer or a smile to their walk!
Molly Anne got to watch the local elementary school teachers parade through our neighborhood! It was so sweet!
A LOT of driveway time. A lot. Every afternoon after nap you’ll find us in the driveway if it’s halfway decent weather which it has been thankfully.
A zoom meeting with her teachers and classmates. They all did a little show and tell then Ms. Fran read them a Curious George book! It was the sweetest!
Friday night golf cart ride ended up a little rough. Got a flat tire on the other side of the neighborhood like over a mile away.
We were rescued and drove it all of the way home verrrrrrry slowly. We made it!
Saturday morning we had family pictures in our yard, from six feet away you crazy people!!! Grady was a stud.
I’m telling you. In the driveway all of the time.
Saturday night I went for a run after the kids were in bed. The sun lit up like I’ve never seen before. I snapped a picture but it was more amazing in person! I do like being able to go run a few miles when I want. It makes me feel better about everything. Ha!
Found him in the garage cleaning up!
Sunday morning I went to the grocery store at 7:15 when they opened and got $300 worth of stuff. We should be good for awhile! Got my peloton ride in with Ally Love for her Sundays with Love. It was about Hope. Nothing was said related to the corona virus but it was directly intended to help people through it. You must take the class if you have a bike.
Sunday afternoon I had a happy hour with some neighborhood girls in one of their cul de sacs. Easily the highlight in weeks! Thank you Whitney for planning it!

How awesome was this?!! So fun and good girl time. Carefully planned for 3pm. AKA after naps and before dinner. AKA the husbands had to watch all of the kids! We have another scheduled for this Saturday. I highly suggest you do the same! It’s therapeutic in this crazy time!

How awesome was this?!! So fun and good girl time. Carefully planned for 3pm. AKA after naps and before dinner. AKA the husbands had to watch all of the kids! We have another scheduled for this Saturday. I highly suggest you do the same! It’s therapeutic in this crazy time!
My girl got a new helmet that fits her! Thank you Amazon!
Grady was a giggly machine yesterday! He’s had a rough few weeks getting those four k-9s as I call them. They’re worse than molars for both of my kids. The two right ones have poked through. The left ones are almost there. I hope he gets relief SOON!
That’s rainbow water, duh!! Glitter plus water plus driveway = a good place for glitter to be used. Thank you Katie!
Made this dinner up but it was delish and not rocket science! Iceberg wedge with tomatoes, blue cheese, a few red onion pieces, cracked pepper and buffalo shrimp on top. Topped with some green onions and ranch!
I marinated the shrimp yesterday morning then since I was outside with the kids at 5pm, I just popped them on a pan and let them bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 375. Kevin didn’t get home until late so I ended up refrigerating them before I put them on the salads. They were so good.
Sleep pictures of Molly Anne and Grady will never get old.
Glad you all are hanging in there! We've been doing lots of outdoor time too and have been thankful for such beautiful weather!
ReplyDeleteLove that you all are making the best of this! I really appreciate reading your positive point of view - I feel like there are so many that are focusing on the negative. Sunday's Ally Love ride was wonderful, such a great way to start the week!