Polly Pocket - Molly Anne loves these little ones that she can carry around!

Beach Towels for both of them! Molly Anne's. Grady's. On sale through Sunday with free shipping! And I got the Kid size for both of mine because I feel like they're much more practical long term and they're not too huge for Grady at almost age 2.

Mr. Potato Head for Grady

LEGOS - I actually ordered this the other day and it comes this weekend. I think for $26 this is going to provide A LOT of quarantining entertainment. At least I hope so! Something a little different from the sets she does. She loves creating so this will be fun!

I think I saw this on Annie's Instagram but I know Grady will love this light up goldfish in the tub!

I'd like to maybe get Molly Anne an LOL or hatchimals thing and Grady a cool tractor and some bubbles. Easy stuff but things I know they will play with and love!

Other than these, I'll probably try to get some fresh markers and crayons from Amazon. Probably hard to get right now but I'm going to look! If you have any ideas that you can order, drop them in the box below and I know others will like new ideas!

I love that light up gold fish! I wish my kids were younger and I would get it from them. Thank goodness I have a five year old niece I can get it for!