Monday, February 10, 2020

Snow and Outside

Well let’s see. We went to the club on Friday after work. It’s just so easy. They always have a buffet which is amazing so Grady has instant food and that entertains him for almost an hour.  Just saying!  Stud status ready to roll. 

Grady’s fourth course. ;)

He had sherbet for the first time and clearly liked it. 

We always know people there and it’s so close to home. It was a good vibe this Friday!

I made a fire on the porch after the kids went to bed and I hung out there for awhile catching up on my phone.  Kevin said it was too cold for him. It actually was pretty cold haha. 

Mills didn’t care though. He was so happy. 

Saturday morning we divided and conquered. Kevin and Molly Anne did an errand and Grady and I did a couple of things. Then we all met at Kendall’s basketball game to watch that. Grady fell asleep without having Molly Anne in the car to entertain him!  Also, he’s very into his coat right now. He almost acts like it’s his lovey that is out of his bed!  

We came home and put Grady to bed for his nap after lunch. Then it started snowing which was insane!  We had tornadoes and temps in the 70s a few days prior and then this!  She LOVED it. She ran around yelling, “thank you God for making it snow!”  I took a video of her and she said, “send that to God!”  She’s got a lot of Jesus in her little heart!  

Mills’ favorite day of the year! He loves snow. 

She and I went to Target to get some wrapping supplies and that is always an adventure. 

Came home and Grady got up and it was still snowing so we took him out to play. It snowed for about 10 min last year so this was the first time he sorta understood. I got the cutest video of him seeing it!

We did playdoh (Grady is way into this and I think finally understands it’s not to eat!) and played in their playroom for awhile.  Then we tried to go to dinner but it ended up that I just took the kids back to the club for dinner.  We had a nice little time!  

Yesterday we did painting (it was a MESS!), legos, more playing upstairs and Joe and Kendall stopped by to see us for a little bit. I did my peloton while they napped and after that the three of us literally were outside from 3-5:30pm. It was glorious. We went on two different walks, biked, scooted, worked on her balance bike for the transition to no training wheels which is happening soon, played soccer, did some tractor digging and much more. Our neighbors came to play for a little but too which was so nice!  Ending the weekend like this is always the best. 

When your four year old is watching your one year old! 

At one point Molly Anne fell and Grady went up and hugged her. It was precious. And I hope this always happens. 

Look at him looking up at her!!!!!!

We did sooo much playing this weekend. Lots of quality time. There was zero screen time, lots of outside time and when there’s a lot of playing outside, I feel like I’m winning in the mom’ing department. Anyone else?  I do let MA watch her tablet or cartoons on a Saturday morning but I try to let that be it for most of the week.  It’s not always like this (hello cold weather and life!) but I really do try.  She will be so sheltered like I am as I sit here with the Oscars on in the background and have zero clue who anyone is!!  Grady doesn’t sit still to watch anything yet. Most we’ve ever gotten is about 10 minutes of Thomas the Train! Lawdy be. 

Y’all have a great Monday!  Who is watching The Bachelor tonight?!

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