Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Call me crazy but I think raising children in this world of all the social media and all the things is hard.  I feel like lately I have been doing some poor mom-ing.  Maybe it's because I have a 3 year old girl that happens to have a strong personality.  (no clue where she gets that parents are probably laughing reading this)  And I have an itty bitty baby boy who is super chill but still pretty high maintenance (because he's a baby)!   And I have a full time job with a good amount of responsibility.  

It's a season and we are IN IT!  Trying to keep my head above water!

I see other Mom's on social media and yall, they have it together.  Or so it appears.  Heck, you all probably think I have it together.  Just so you know, I don't.  I forget things.  I say the wrong things to Molly Anne when she has attitude problems.  I don't give Grady enough one on one time.  I don't read Molly Anne enough books during the week.  I don't feed them amazing meals.

Some of these Mom's that take two or three or four children to the doctor at the same time - rockstar Mamas.  I can barely handle two and one of them doesn't even move or talk!  I feel like a total spazz out in public with them.  You should have seen me at the pumpkin patch last Friday.  I think other parents probably were like whoa, she does not have her act together...look how she parents them!  

I just try to keep them alive, make sure they stay safe, enjoy learning, are nice to their friends, use their manners and have fun!   Key word - TRY!  

I know, we are all doing the best we can!  Day by day!  And I'm trying to enjoy every second of my children while they are young and innocent!


  1. You're a great Mom, give yourself some grace. None of us are perfect and I know having more than one complicates things. Your babies are beautiful and healthy and you're the best Mom in the eyes of your littles and that's what counts the most anyway :)

  2. I just had to comment - I had "that" day yesterday. Terrible morning, everyone yelling, late to preschool/school drop off. I felt sad all day at work - completely overwhelmed and fried. Parenthood is no joke! I had a parent group leader tell me once that parenting little kids is a time of life when you are in the trenches - you can't walk around it, you have to walk through it. There are highs and lows - yesterday was a low one for me. But today, I feel better. We just keep going! I think it is great when we can support each other and be real. You are doing a great job - our kids will be fine -no, they will be great. Power on, mama bear! I will do the same.

    1. Today is a new day, you’re right! Good job mama!

  3. I think that with social media mom's put so much pressure on themselves, to have the perfect nursery, perfectly dressed kids, breastfeeding, making baby food, etc....when all that really matters is that the kids are happy and healthy! The kids don't care if they get one balloon or an entire huge yard of balloons on their birthday, or if they get a homemade cake or one from the store. So many moms emphasize things that really aren't that important...

    1. Yes. This. I’m guilty of it all but you’re right, they don’t care. :)

  4. It's all marketing. We see what they want us to see. The struggle is real... for all of us. Hang in there, Mama.

  5. We are all doing the best we can, as I know you are!
    Social media makes it look easy but we all know the truth. Hang in there.

  6. No doubt you are doing an amazing job! Everyone is so much harder on themselves and the reality is "no one has it totally together" and no one posts their fails on social media! LOL! If you are trying then you are a great Mom!

  7. I think all moms feel this way, at least I do! Last week, we went to CFA two nights in a row. 😂 I’m always in awe of all the other moms with lots of kiddos who somehow seem to balance it all with a smile and a freshly baked cookie. I’m more of the frazzled mom trying to sneak a cookie!

  8. I think you’re doing a great job! I also don’t think a lot of social media is real life.

  9. You’re an amazing mama doing a great job raising your happy kiddos!

  10. I promise I do not have it together! I get less than 6 hours of sleep a night and this morning, I couldn't find my coffee cup for AN HOUR! Haha! You are a great mom and you have the sweetest kids! Social media is not an accurate portrayal of people's real lives. Love ya, friend!!

  11. I read, but don't comment. But I felt compelled...
    I feel the exact same way... I have two boys, 9 and 14. Ugh, I can't believe 14!! Anyway- I have put sooo much pressure on myself to be the mom that goes above and beyond and have done it for years. All while working a 40+ hour job.
    Girl, about a month and a half ago, I lost it... I cried for days because I felt the weight on my shoulders and felt like I failed. Then I had to tell myself that I am a good mom because I do care so much. I may not accomplish it all but I want to and I try. I have the want to and that counts too. I am one of those that is all in or all out. I have made myself go middle ground and know that that is okay. I still send snacks, so what if they aren't all monogrammed. Those kids do not care that it is personalized, that was for me... the just loved that they had a snack! LOL

  12. You are doing great! I think the important thing to remember about social media and parenting is that it is everyone's highlight reel. We don't snap a picture of when we stuff a punchable into our kid's lunchbox or the moments when we lose our temper. No matter what you do you're the best mama to your children and the only one they'd want. We all have days where we feel like we're failing or doing everything wrong but tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start - for the whole family!

  13. Sending love. You are not alone.
