Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Friday was wear your college colors day at school! My NC State people!

We scooted to the beach a little bit early. We grabbed them out of school one hour early and that made a huge difference in getting to OIB traffic wise. We got unpacked and headed to Sharky's for dinner before the concert. Our friends Dan and Tanya last minute stayed with us too and they met us at dinner. 

Big concert fans! The band gave them old drumsticks and grady a cymbal!

Got our lights working on the palm trees again!

Saturday morning Grady and I walked and scooted. Then we came back and got Mills to walk on the beach. I wanted to get his open wound in the salt water. It really helped him. 

Then Drew and Hilary asked if we wanted to go on a boat ride. Well of course! We went up to Holden Beach got to stop and see a guy I work with in the real estate world then stopped for lunch at Inlet View. 

It was a good time!

I love his little feet crossed. 

Went back and headed over to Jen and Jade's for a pool party and college football. Too much fun!

Saturday night we grilled steaks at home but our grill kept catching on fire. It was honestly kind of a mess but we got it done. Ha! Mills is a good boy. 

On Sunday the kids, Mills and I went to Pawleys to meet our new nephew/cousin Marsh, while Kevin stayed back with his friend. Look at 9 week old Marsh!

Grady got to drive Sarah's boat! And Sarah took them on a boat ride too!

Uncle Clay taught Grady all of the things. Fishing too. Got a redfish!

The three Goldens went swimming in the creek and had a great time. They have a sandbar out there at low tide and it was so fun. Mills will probably sleep for three days this week to recover. 

Goldens only in this family!

We got back to Ocean Isle just before 5pm and we went to Jinks for dinner! The sunset from there is so pretty. We had this Jewels of the Sea pasta dish and it was soooo good. 

Monday was raining so we just got our act together, did laundry and packed up a lot of our clothes from the summer to take them home. Twas a fun weekend. I am tired! 

1 comment:

  1. Marsh is such a fluff ball!! So happy that Mills got some nice beach time - looks like a wonderful weekend! Long live summer!!
