Sunday, July 28, 2024

Weekend at Home

We were literally about to walk out the door to go to the beach on Friday morning when we decided to stay home for numerous reasons and I'm so glad we did. 

I took the kids to the library on Friday. They had never been. I know, I know. I'm a terrible mom! Haha. Thankfully they knew what to do because of their wonderful library at school. They found the books they wanted and we left. It was nice.  PS sometimes they surprise me by holding hands. 

Molly Anne also finally got her new 26" bike. My parents got this for her for her birthday but we had to order it. She was super excited for it to be here!

We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Friday night with our friends. Kevin and 3 of the 5 kiddos!

Saturday we hung around and watched the Olympics then went to our next door neighbors house with a few families. It was fun. We had bbq and each made a side. I made Pioneer Woman's Mac and Cheese. And also this Mediterranean dip as an appetizer. Super easy and feels semi healthy. 

We had a fun sleepover Saturday night. Sarah stayed with us! Of course we had to have a pancake bar on Sunday morning! We met her mama for church then hung out the rest of the day. This boy and his prime. Cracks me up. 

Lots of Olympics on in our house! Love all of the competition and amazing athletes! 

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