On Friday, Grady had his well visit and all checked out well. He had some mild scholeosis last year and it appears that’s corrected itself thankfully. The pneumonia vaccine he got last Summer by way of an immunology study continues to help him. He’s doing great and is ready for Kindergarten in August!
Friday night after swim team we kinda just hung at home and I made a carnitas rice bowl.
Saturday I was up early and got a run in (I’m trying to run every Saturday and not more often than that because of my knees). Grady had a teeball game then we headed to the neighborhood pool. Baby ducks had hatched that morning and were trying to make their way out of there. Evidently some neighbors helped them get to a pond in the hood.

Saturday night I went to my friend Natasha’s house for a going away party for our friends Whitney and Matt. They’re moving to the Greensboro area. Hate they’re leaving us but glad that they’re happy.

Sunday morning this young man was not wearing these “tight shorts” to church he said! So he changed into pants haha.
Brunch afterwards at the club. It was a pretty day.

And we ended up at the neighborhood pool again!

Had a movie night and hit the bed early! I really don’t like the looks of that Nintendo cord! We need to move that.

Happy Monday!
Saturday night I went to my friend Natasha’s house for a going away party for our friends Whitney and Matt. They’re moving to the Greensboro area. Hate they’re leaving us but glad that they’re happy.
Brittany and I. Dress here and earrings here.

Hilary, Whitney, me, Natasha. My earrings are the star of my outfit! $48

Hilary, Whitney, me, Natasha. My earrings are the star of my outfit! $48
The neighborhood girlies
Sunday morning this young man was not wearing these “tight shorts” to church he said! So he changed into pants haha.
Brunch afterwards at the club. It was a pretty day.
And we ended up at the neighborhood pool again!
Had a movie night and hit the bed early! I really don’t like the looks of that Nintendo cord! We need to move that.
Happy Monday!
If I think of it tonight (and if its not too weird!) I am going to email you a photo of our Nintendo switch set up - it looks almost identical and it drives me crazy at least once a week! I just need to get a multi-outlet plug for behind the TV but its been low on the priority list!