After this post I should be all caught up from my little week or two break from blogging that I really didn't mean for to happen. I was BUSY. Still am. And a lot of other chaos in there as well. Things that don't need to go on my blog mmkay.
Last week I was in Baltimore for a day and we had lunch at the best place - Box Hill Pizzeria. Anyone ever been? It's a pizza place but the crab cakes are insanely popular and delicious. Look how huge it is! In case you're wondering, we didn't eat dinner!!

Last week I was in Baltimore for a day and we had lunch at the best place - Box Hill Pizzeria. Anyone ever been? It's a pizza place but the crab cakes are insanely popular and delicious. Look how huge it is! In case you're wondering, we didn't eat dinner!!
Friday night we went to an Oyster Roast/ Pig Pickin' at Quail Hollow CC benefiting The Independence Fund. It was a wonderful event put on by our friend Kristen. She didn't miss one detail. Total class.
I shucked about a dozen oysters and they were amazing blue points from Connecticut. Then ate about two more dozen...some steamed and some raw. And I also had quite a bit of red wine! Combine all of that with a good fire and yep, it was fun. Kevin took this picture. I'm so upset I didn't get a picture of the two of us but he was there!
Saturday afternoon I took Molly Anne and Grady to the air show at the Monroe airport. It was so cool. We had to wait and go after Grady's nap so we kind of missed the boat on getting into the actual event. And parking was insane. A police officer told me by the time we parked, got on the bus and got over there, it'd be over. So we pulled over into a parking lot with some other folks and watched from there. It was perfect! Next year, I'll know we need to go early and skip nap time!
Grady LOVES planes so I knew he'd love this!
He started saying GOLF CART this weekend and going to that door from our house into our garage where we keep it. He would point to the door and yell GOLF CART! So of course we went on a ride when he did that! It's one of his favorite things. He loves pointing at all of the things we see and talk about! His vocabulary has exploded in the last two weeks. I had to stop writing down words he has said because it's that many. Proud of him!
We love love love playing in our driveway! We play out there SO MUCH and we love it when our next door neighbors come over too! We literally do this every day that it's nice out.
The longest hop scotch ever!
I don’t want to forget these days. All of the scooters and ride alongs and bikes and chalk and bubbles and ALL of the things! I hope these are the days Molly Anne and Grady remember. The simple things like playing outside with neighbors!
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