Saturday morning cuddles with the Millsy and my leg! I spent a lot of Saturday morning cleaning bedroom linens and rearranging sleeping quarters haha. My bestest from college and her family were coming from Raleigh to spend the night with us!
I also got in an Erin Oprea workout. Check out her instagram...she posts workouts on there. I'm always impressed that I'm sore the next day. This one helped of course!
We also had a mid morning break to take a picture at our neighbors house while they were out of town and their bathroom renovation was going on. Can't hide classy. We always take ridiculous pictures when either of the fams are out of town. It's kind of becoming extra hilarious....for us at least.
Our friends arrived and Blair had this cute Lilly dress on so you know Molly Anne had to put her same one on with matching bows of course. Doing makeup together!
Poor Grady hates the grass so we put him on this blanket and he hated that too. This boy will be so much happier when he walks!
Playdoh time!
We did a lot of playing in the driveway. Grady's new favorite toy - the plasma car that our old neighbors gave us! He was on it for at least an hour Saturday and also Sunday!
Racing. Brooks is so fast!
They earned those ice cream sundaes with the amount of running they did! Us parents caught up after the kiddos were in bed for the night! We watched NC State play and hung out.
They were watching some cartoons on Sunday morning.
Kelly and I poured some mimosas and we walked the kids to the neighborhood playground!
They had a big time there!
I love this picture of Molly Anne cheesing at Brooks!
Little bubba boy.
It's never enough time with Kelly! She and I have been best friends since 2001 and we lived together for a few years of school. The only real tisk we ever got into was when I wouldn't speak in the mornings haha. I don't like mornings! We laughed about that this weekend. What a hoot! We were each others maid/matron's of honor in our weddings. She is the friend that drives from Raleigh to Charlotte to spend two hours with you and meet your new baby, then drives back. One of those solid friends and I love her dearly. She doesn't read here so she probably won't ever see this but thank you for coming to visit!!! xo
Sunday afternoon we played in the driveway with our next door neighbors. It's always a good way to end the weekend. They came over wearing a dress that Molly Anne has so you know she had to go upstairs and put it on too!
Shoe-wear styling by Greer. Lips by Molly Anne. Bows and dress styling by Maggie. Three peas in a pod.

Shoe-wear styling by Greer. Lips by Molly Anne. Bows and dress styling by Maggie. Three peas in a pod.
So, you like that little car for Grady? Im thinking for CHristmas for Libby to get her that one or the Pewi Elite...