Monday, August 20, 2018

Our Weekend

We had such a nice weekend and I hope you all did too!  It was so nice not to have any plans and to just let the weekend happen.  We never have weekends like that and it was wonderful!

Friday night we went to dinner with our neighbors at the club. 

It is really so easy to go there and the girls just run wild after dinner. 

After the children were in bed, Kevin and I just hung on the porch watching the Panthers play.

Saturday morning Molly Anne and I went to Maggie's birthday party where Molly Anne ate at least a dozen donuts while I talked to Christina the whole time!  I really didn't parent very well!  Maggie is 3! 

This is what our Saturday night consisted of.  Kevin wearing Molly Anne's necklace, doing legos and making necklaces!  We got Viva Chicken carryout for dinner!

Sunday morning we went back to the club for breakfast. 

And chilled most of the day!

Molly Anne helped Kevin make some firewood haha!

Hilary, Drew and the girls came over for a simple dinner.  We grilled steaks, had a bag of salad and some Tennessee Onions.  The girls had mac n cheese, cantaloupe and yogurt.  Easy!

Yep, Grady is never going to be allowed to date.  

It was the perfect way to end the weekend.  

And now it's Monday.  I'm getting really close to going back to work and I'm just AHHH about the whole thing.  I cannot talk about it this time.  I think 12 weeks after having Molly Anne, I was ready.  15 weeks after Grady and I'm still not ready.  Let's not talk about it. 

Molly Anne meets her new teachers today and I can't wait!  


  1. I love weekends like that, too! So easy and relaxing. And ugh, all the tears for going back to work after baby. It's so rough the first few weeks, but you are an awesome mama and y'all will get your routine down soon! Prayers for a smooth transition. Also, your house is beautiful!

  2. Such an adorable post!! What a great weekend!

  3. UM, how have I never heard of Tennessee Onions!? On the menu, soon!

  4. Lovely weekend! Those low-key ones are the best!!!
