Friday, August 28, 2020

Seven on Friday

Kevin took Molly Anne on a little date with his parents to celebrate his Dad's birthday on Monday night!

First day of remote learning and the principal pops into your teacher's classroom to say hi! 

Grady has so much fun at school, when he's not being made to nap or when I'm dropping him off!

After school Wednesday, we scooted over to the neighborhood pool!  Nothing a Popsicle and the pool can't cure on hump day!

Playing outside in the driveway - something we haven't done very much this summer because it's been SO hot.  But typically in the Spring and Fall, we live out there!

Last night I rode over to my back door neighbor's house and we sat out by her pool and hung out for a bit!  Terrible view huh?!

School with Mama on Fridays!  The teachers have done an amazing job of changing things up for the children and not sitting at the computer the whole day.  I've been extremely impressed with the activities and how they're making it work!  

Happy Weekend everyone!

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