Friday, August 9, 2024

Six on Friday

1. I pretty much cook Sunday through Thursday for dinner but this week I have not been into it. I grabbed the Tacu Tuesday family meal at Viva Chicken and it was soooo much food and sooo good. $27 and I ordered it online and it was waiting for us when we got there. Kids loved it. 

2. Oh she soooo badly wants this and does not need it! Little girls + Sephora. Had to clean up her room and organize her other products before this is gonna happen. We will see. She also wants a new backpack and new Nikes and it and she wants it. Grady wants nothing. Per usual! Laughing. 

3. Kevin, Grady and I enjoyed this amazing salad with dinner on Monday night. We had gotten the tomatoes in Ocean Isle. Basil is from our backyard. 

4. The face of a little boy that cheated playing a card game that he likes - slapjack! No cheating! 

5. We've been walking a one mile loop in our hood at night after dinner then playing basketball girls versus boys. Molly Anne and I smoke the boys! Duhhhhhh haha!! They may think differently. It's the little things that are the most fun!

6. Our school PTO offers a simple click to order school supplies. They have a list made by the teachers for each grade and you just click the grade, pay for it and it arrives on your door step. I've done this every year and it's fantastic. It's a PTO fundraiser. And the teachers love it too. Win win win. 

Hope you all have a nice weekend!

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