Monday, August 5, 2024

OIB Weekend

We went down to Ocean Isle late Thursday. Got right on our bikes of course!

Got the boat out in the water and ate Mexican food at home for dinner. 

A canal cruise with Greer and Drew who stopped by. 

Molly Anne spent the night with them and Drew got them these shades haha. 

Grady and I did a bunch of errands on Friday morning. Of course Grady had to get shades too so Kevin took him to Beach Life. After lunch at the perch we did the arcade and then stopped by our other friends house. 

Then we biked to the concert! 

Saturday was a no swim day because of rip currents so we boated to the east end of the island on the intracoastal. Good times and dodged a storm! 

Benjy was with us this weekend and it was awesome catching up with him!

We had a low country boil at our house Saturday night. Palomas too!

Flying kites in the street at 9:30pm because why not ?!

Sunday we headed to 59 Causeway for lunch. The Italian is amazing. 

These two crack up. Dressed alike sitting at their own table. I love them so much. Sometimes I look at them in this type of situation and cannot believe they're mine/ours!

Got back late last night. Not until 7:30pm. Had lots of laundry to do back at the beach (3 beds and towels) and needed to get the house prepped before the big rain event this coming week. They said to buy a beach house....but it is a lot of work!! But priceless memories!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the storms this week - we are just getting the remnants up in the north east but the rain is still SO heavy!
