Tuesday, August 13, 2024


It's hard to believe I haven't introduced Opal to my blog community!! Haha!! This is Molly Anne's fish that she picked out for her 9th birthday! She's at the perfect age to learn about how to care for a fish and more importantly how to clean his tank! Mama does not want to be involved in all of that. I take care of golden retrievers only!! But seriously she has LOVED having a fish on her side table by her bed. It's just a little two gallon tank and super easy to deal with. She understands that one day we may find Opal floating and I will not go out in the darkness of the night to find a new Opal like I know some really nice Moms do! She will learn the cycle of life. So far, she has loved it. Gives her something of her own to care for. Meet Opal!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Opal!! We learned about the cycle of life with Layla and Taco - great experience!
