Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Maryland Part Two - National Aquarium, County Fair, Ocean City

Last Thursday, my Dad and I took the kids to Baltimore (about a two hour drive) to visit the National Aquarium. It was awesome! Molly Anne said she learned a lot when we were on the way home. 

The dolphins were probably the highlight!

Grady got a parrot that he named Max from the gift shop. Molly Anne got a tracking dolphin bracelet and a cardboard sea turtle that she put together. Grady really wanted a picture in front of the megladon shark mouth!

We stopped in Kent Narrows for dinner at the Fisherman's Crab Deck. It was soooo pretty and such a good vibe there. Grady liked the half and half crab soup - a little boy that has good taste!!

My dad and grady checking the boats out!

Delicious soft shell crab sandwich! Probably the best orange crush I've ever had. 

Daddy arrived on Friday! 

And Molly Anne got to work with our neighbor and friend at her shop! Fun fact - I used to work at this consignment shop. Molly Anne LOVED helping Mrs. B. for a bit!

We stopped by the County fair!

They even had a high school rodeo 

On Saturday we headed to Ocean City. We had lunch at Fagers Island. They have the best French onion soup. And strawberry daiquiris. And orange crushes. 

Then we stopped by Aunt Jenni and Uncle Franks house in Fenwick Island, Delaware. They just built an awesome house there! These two played in the pool and the adults chatted. 

Jenni's mom and my mom were first cousins. Their moms were sisters. 

The best!

Saturday night we went to Suicide Bridge for Mom's birthday dinner. It's an amazing restaurant on Cabin Creek which is just off the Choptank River. The views are gorgeous! These two got to have their dessert at the upstairs bar and watch a baseball game that Grady was super into. 

The birthday girl! We had crab dip on Sunday night which was her actual birthday before dinner at Caesars pizza palace (another amazing spot). We ate well, can you tell?! Ha. 

That Poppa love!

Oh and we went back to the County fair on Sunday for some more rodeo fun ha! This time we took my Mom! 

Yesterday we made the long haul back - record time in 8 hours on the dot with only one stop for food, bathroom and gas. Win win win! Two tired boys! We were sad to leave my parent's house as usual. 

Back to the grind. Last week before school starts! 

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