I've been in back to school mode and getting my life back together after a spastic summer.
Molly Anne and Grady got to go shoe shopping with Nannie when we were in Maryland! She got these which are out of my typical likes but they're growing on me and she loves them so whatever. They're good solid shoes and they will last. Grady only got "running shoes" as we call them for soccer that he's starting soon. They're nothing exciting to show...just some Sauconys and honestly not very cute!
Back to school teacher treats - Starbucks card and some fun pens. Just a little spunk to brighten their first day!
I transferred all of my stuff to my new purse and I love it so much! I feel new and improved!

Anyone else getting ready for dance and tumbling? Grabbed this leotard for tumbling. It's great quality and Molly Anne loves it.

And this one for Jazz! She likes that it twirls and isn't itchy!
Ah, back to school!! I had to laugh at the shoes, they look similar to the new shoes we got last week, a pair of "Skechers Twinkle Toes" with rainbows, unicorns, and flashing lights! Not what I would normally pick for back to school but my daughter LOVES them and is so proud - they're only this age once, right?!