Sunday, October 18, 2015

Boo Bash and Wedding

Friday we had lunch in Charlottesville with friends who used to live in Charlotte.  And Connor is still our attorney for work so luckily we have all stayed in touch since they moved!  Their little boy is the cutest!

I was excited to fly back home to my babydoll.  

We had hot dogs on the grill Friday night and just hung outside. It was so nice out. 

Saturday morning we worked on tummy time and did her exercises that physical therapy has taught us.  She is getting stronger for sure!

Then we went to the Boo Bash with our friends!  It was the cutest festival!  Gigi's dress was adorable - it just says Boo!

Us with our girls!

Saturday afternoon we took Molly Anne to Kevin's parents for her first overnight with them!  She did well!  

Saturday late afternoon we ubered to the Lake Norman area for a gorgeous wedding!

It could not have been a more perfect day on the water. 

The band was amazing. 

And the bride was absolutely stunning!  I work with her Dad and also her new husband!  They are the cutest couple!

Work girls!

They're off to Maui!!!!!

Then we ubered to a bar up there.  And then we decided to head back south so we called our IRL friend Sean who also does uber to grab us.  We all hung at Bradshaws for a couple hours late night. We didn't get home until after 2am. Ahhh. 7am came early when we had to get up to go get Molly Anne.  Bojangles was essential.  ;)

But this sweet baby is worth it!  I couldn't wait to see her!

Yesterday afternoon I went to a Chloe and Isabel party at my friend Jenns and it was so good to see friends.  And try on gorgeous jewelry! 

Molly Anne isn't feeling well so I'm taking her to the doctor this morning per the on call nurse recommendation last night.    Monday, Monday!

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