The weekend started with a hot date to Basil. This is us on the street in front of our building on our way back to Stoolies to meet friends.

Saturday we got to go out to 24 Hours of Booty and see Kimmy and Jeff. Kimmy rode 100 miles and Jeff rode 200 miles in this charity event to raise money for cancer. It was really fun to watch them and get to see so many bikers our for a good cause. This is their family portrait (with Tahoe!):

Here is the start and finish line on Queens Road West.

Kimley-Horn also had a team and JRoy was a part of it. It was fun seeing her too!

Jeff and Jason riding by...

We layed low on Saturday night so we were ready for the pool all day on Saturday - whew it was a long day. We always grill out with neighbors on Sunday nights so we did that with Kim, Jim, Wendy and Josh. Then we all walked over to Epicentre to get ice cream. Jim and Kim...

Kevin in rough shape after the pool ( ;) ), me, Wendy and Josh (and Bailey).
Bailey loves his ice cream almost more than beer!

All in all, a very fun and relaxing weekend. :)
Cute dress (on Friday night)!