Monday, October 14, 2024

Field Hockey and Halloween Party

We had a crazy weekend. Played some pickleball on Friday with friends. Then the kids all played at the hood playground. Easy! Friday night we went over to the club with Kevin's parents for dinner. 

Saturday morning was the morning of sports. Grady had an early game. Molly Anne had field hockey so she went with Greer to that then we met them over there. 

Sporty spice loves field hockey!

Saturday night Kevin and I went up to The Office. It was a great vibe - awesome band and gorgeous evening to sit on the patio. We even got to see our friend Leslie there!

Then we headed to our friends house for their annual Halloween party that had taken an 8 year break. It was amazingggg as always. She always goes above and beyond. And beyond some more. And their house is GORGEOUS. 

Their backyard is so awesome. 

We all carved pumpkins and of course they had prizes for best, worst and most creative. 

And a pumpkin in the pool. We haven't laughed that hard on a night out in a long time. So much fun with old and great friends. 

Talk soon friends. 

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