Monday, July 15, 2024


Honestly, it has been very, very sad around our house. Kevin's best friend from growing up and still best friend now passed away last Saturday the 6th. While it was somewhat expected because he was sick, you can't be prepared for such a loss. They were "couple friends" of ours as we went out the four of us often and with our families too. Brad stood beside us in our wedding. A huge loss for us. Please keep his wife and three young children in your prayers. We will miss him so, so much. Ugh. Tears just writing this. 

All of the guys and wives went out for dinner together on Friday night after the visitation to Smoke Pit. It was wonderful for everyone to be together. These guys will have to remain close to support each other through it. And I know they'll be there for his family too. Hold your people closely. 

Saturday was the funeral. It was incredibly special and Brad and Shauna planned it together. I'll leave the details private but it was very well done. And sad. And all of the things. 

Saturday evening Drew and Hilary had us over for dinner and time together. They came to the funeral as well since they knew Brad. Thankful for them and their friendship. 

Sunday we regrouped and got our act together for the week. I played tennis for awhile in very hot weather and the four of us went to our club's pool for something different. We had lunch over there.  

Talk soon friends. 

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