Monday, July 22, 2024

Fun OIB Weekend

Rolling back after a super fun OIB weekend. It was just the three families down there this weekend. 

First up messing around on the dock. 

Molly Anne had gotten two teeth pulled Friday morning before we left. Easy peasy no problemo!

These six have zero clue how lucky they are getting to grow up coming to the beach all of the time. Concert was great. 

Saturday beach day after an adventure of a morning with a clogged dryer vent. Oh gosh I've had a time about dryer vents over the past week - at home and at the beach. Get your dryer vents cleaned!!! They're so dangerous if not taken care of. 

Cool dude in a cool world. 

Living their best life!

Saturday afternoon Captain Steve took us on Drew’s boat to Oyster Rock for apps and drinks! Probably the highlight of my summer. It was so wonderful. 

Sunday was a canal hanging day and slip and slide with detergent! Sooo much easier than going to the beach even though you'd think we have the beach down to a science! 

We headed to Little River for dinner at a new to us spot called Blue Drum. It was okay. 

Back to the grind my friends. 

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