Monday, February 3, 2025

Dance, Ice Hockey and Greenway

On Saturday night these two chickadees got to get ready together for their sweetheart dance at school! We had so much fun doing hair and makeup. We missed Maggie as she was at a cheer competition. 


There they are

Dinner at our club then the dance per tradition for 4 or 5 years?! 

Grady and I went to a Charlotte Checkers Ice Hockey game. It was awesome. A first for both of us but we will be back. Grady loved it!

On Sunday the four of us went for almost 4 miles on the greenway. Kevin and I walked and we took the kid's bikes. It was fun and something different. I don't think I've ever been on the greenway here but I'm glad I did. 

We had smoothies at Green Brothers for lunch afterwards! 

He had a rough Sunday morning but is doing ok. I think it's medicine related so I'm stopping one of those. I'm his assistant doctor now haha. 

Going to be a busy week around here. Chat soon friends!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Roundup

1. This is when you know you have problems. Kevin brought this home to me from Sam's Club this week. He knows the way to my heart. I have a popcorn problem! 

2. I have been so busy at work lately. I'm always busy but I feel like a looney tune! We have a couple big projects going on that are super high maintenance along with all of my regular deals. Ahhhh!!

3. Back in the swim regime for this boy. Well he started back in December. He's working on butterfly and doing so well. 

4. Love buckets 

5. We got our gutters cleaned yesterday. Big time excitement. Tis the season. All of the leaves have fallen. 

Chat soon friends. Happy Weekend. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tops, Makeup, Home

ONE - this tank is super soft and I love the open back at the top. It's $19! I have it in two colors and just ordered this one for the Spring! It's a good "chill" tank, not a good I'm going to go sweat in 100 degrees and run 5 miles tank!

TWO - I ordered these candle holders before Christmas and they finally came yesterday. Okay they are stunning. I was sort of thinking I'd take them back but they're wayyyy better than I thought! Fabulous gift for a girlfriend for sure!

THREE - need a refill on a few makeup items right now. These are really the only three things I use for every day makeup. Foundation that I put on with my fingers (dab dab dab), blush that I also blend in with my fingers after I put a swipe on my cheek, and waterproof mascara (comes in black and brown!). I'm a simple gal but this foundation is the star of the show (I'm 3.5)

FOUR - this is a cute dress.

FIVE - super into this look and how it's under $40

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Meal Prep Example

Last night I was getting dinner ready for tonight after Grady went to bed. I had Molly Anne help me and she loves to do stuff in the kitchen. At first it was more work for me to have her in there but she'll prep carrots (peal and cut) and strawberries and other stuff on Sundays now. It's so helpful! 

Anyway this is what we prepped for tonight's dinner. Only way to survive work and after school sports. This is from @thevanillatulipfarmhouse meal plan. 

Last night I used a rotisserie chicken I had pulled off the bone when I got it over the weekend. I used half and marinated it in the ingredients above. Tonight I'll sauté it for about two minutes then throw in the bowl. 

I rinsed the black beans. I'm using a frozen corn bag so that's just a microwave tonight. Molly Anne made the dressing. I bought premade pico. Rice I'm using Uncle Ben 90 second microwaveable rice. Avocado will be easy to slice. 

So this is how I will have dinner on the table in 10 minutes when we cruise in from swim practice at 5:40! Basic but it works. Should I do more of these? It's not hard stuff but sometimes I like seeing how other people do it. Maybe you do too?!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Easy Weekend

My best friend from college was supposed to come stay with us on Friday night but didn't since the flu had been at our house. Ugh! Better safe than sorry though! 

Hilary and I sat outside like old Covid times by the fire. The kids ran wild. Our other friend Kellie stopped by and we hung outside like nuts. I kept a hot fire from 4 to 11pm. I love making a fire! None of the husbands were around and mine was in bed. We ordered papa John's for dinner. Very little parenting. Lots of wine. Filled our buckets. It was a win all around. 

Grady fell asleep! He helped me tend to it in between playing with the kids. 

Saturday morning Grady had his first basketball game. He loved it and scored a basket!

Molly Anne had her game too! She got a few assists and a bunch of rebounds. 

Buy this next time you get groceries. It's soooo good with carrots or any veggie. Saturday night we went to eat Mexican at Zapatas in ballantyne. Something different. 

Sunday we didn't do anything that morning. Well I prepped food for the week so dinners are easier. Hilary and I had a tennis lesson at the neighborhood courts so the kids scooted up there and played at the playground while we did our thing. Ideal! It was so nice to be outside in 50 degree sunny weather. I wore a tennis skirt and long sleeve shirt and I was hot! They always say to dress for 20 degrees warmer. 

Camp Night was in town on Sunday so we got to go to that! Kids were excited to each meet a few new friends that they'll see at camp! 

Ate dinner at Yafo on the way home then got home in time for Grady to see the kick off of the Chiefs and Bills game. He was stoked! 

Chat soon!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Happy Friday!

Is it still January?

It's been quite a week! Grady has been down a couple of days with the flu. Then someone else in my house got it. Hint hint not Molly Anne or I. Yes the world was close to ending! ;) Molly Anne had a dental procedure where they clipped the thingy that connects your lip to gum on the top. She's also dealing with some dermatology issues. And we had a snow day and a two house delay day in there too!

Molly Anne has been a champ through it all. She really stepped up this week and helped cook, clean up and took care of everything on her own. It was nice and I was sure to mention that to her! It's wild to see her growing up. She's super capable and on top of her school work. I should do a whole post about that. 

Mills' MRSA wound is open again. So there's that. Back to wound care for the puppy.  

I like looking for new clothes and house stuff but I'm on a no spending kick. In January we are always trying to play catch up from Christmas and get things in order for the new year. 

We bought a big outlet center this week at work that I am super involved in. That's been exciting and time consuming in the best way possible. 

So this new meal plan thing I've been doing. It's been super helpful for keeping the grocery costs down and making easy meals for during the week. @thevanillatulipfarmhouse is where I got it and she curates these great plans and shopping lists for 6 weeks then you repeat it so 3 whole months planned out. Typically I don't like these things but this one was has been great. Her recipes are kinda how I cook anyway and don't have a zillion ingredients. I make about three of hers a week. 

We have lots of basketball tomorrow. Did I tell yall I'm helping coach both of their teams? It's so fun. 

Chat soon! 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Cute Things

ONE - my Patagonia is on its last leg so I've been on the hunt. I may get this black jacket with a couple gift cards I have. We will see!

TWO - this dress is fabulous and fits true to size. Would be so nice to have in the closet with Spring around the corner. $89 down from $228

THREE - I really want these jeans. I like that they're not cut off on the bottom so I can wear them to work on casual days. I'd wear these all of the time. 

FOUR - saw these amazingly soft pants in the store this week and have been thinking about them ever since. 

FIVE - $29 down from $68 and really pretty earrings!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Rest of Weekend

Mills picked the kids up at tennis last week and helped pick up balls of course! 

My Dad sent me this pretty ring for Christmas/Birthday and I love it so much! It's two rings stacked. 

On Friday night in Atlanta we ubered over to Hal's Steakhouse for dinner. It was delicious! And it's also very nice we can uber with our kids and go to a nice restaurant! They loved Kevin's sea bass and my steak. They also got calamari, a pasta dish and broccoli. I think my steak may have been their favorite. I loved the chopped salad too. 

The next morning we had breakfast at The Corner Cafe. So good!

We hustled back to make it in time for Molly Anne's basketball game! She played great and had a few assists and got a ton of rebounds!

Kendall her cousin came to watch her!

Molly Anne sung in choir on Sunday morning. Kevin took her then they had brunch at the club. Grady was down for the count with some sort of crud. Thinking the flu since everyone at his school has it and it's the same symptoms and timing as everyone else. Bummer!! 

Chat soon!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Our Visit to SlooMoo - Atlanta Slime Museum

On Friday we headed to Atlanta for one night. We went for an appointment Kevin had on Saturday morning but thought we'd make some fun since the kids had Friday off school. Slime Museum aka SlooMoo!! It started off a bit rocky because evidently I didn't press go when I was purchasing our tickets the day before. PS - def do this in advance because you can save $14/ticket. The manager Richard was overly kind and honored that price for us. He was like, "yall come on in!" That was the start of a wonderful visit.

You can tell all of the employees simply love working there. They were so good with the kids! 

This was clearly the best day of Molly Anne's life because she loves and makes so much slime at home. She was STOKED!

There are 7 kind of rooms you go through but you can go back and do any of them again. We didn't because we spent so much time at each one. We were at the museum for a good two hours. We were also only one of two or three families there. It was so quiet and nice!

The lady that showed us some tricks loved that Molly Anne knew so much about slime and how it's made. She ended up giving her a couple free slimes! Made her day!

And they let them get slimed! Aka slime pours on their head. Grady was all in. Molly Anne didn't want to do it until he did. My kids make me laugh sometimes. I never would have thought something like this would go in this order but Grady doesn't have a shy bone in his body. Not that Molly Anne does but she looks into things a lot more and has to ask questions and figure it out first! So funny. 

Then they got to make their own slime! Pick the type of slime, scent, color and charms! So fun! 

And play in the slime lake! They have a separate area for babies to play in. 

I was super impressed with how clean everything was!

Shopping for her slime bestie! Had to get her some of course!

Make sure you stop by next time you're in Atlanta or NYC! They say they may be opening in Charlotte soon. We will see!

They didn't ask me to talk about our visit and we paid for our admission. It was just that good that I had to share!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

This Week Finds and Girls Swimsuits

ONE - not many sizes left in this one but this dress is cute too!

TWO - on sale and so cute. 

THREE - the most adorable bath mat. $45

FOUR - the detail on this top is beautiful 

FIVE - one day we will have lamps in our bedroom so it looks like adults live in this house!

SIX - Girls bathing suits are super cute right now! Loaded up for camp this summer. I got these left to right: