Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Fall Front Porch

Easy front porch this year. Every year I do something different with the pumpkins. This time I went simple with 6 Trader Joe's fantasy pumpkins. Heather Opal art makes the adorable door charms. The big spider was from Michaels awhile back. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Field Hockey and Halloween Party

We had a crazy weekend. Played some pickleball on Friday with friends. Then the kids all played at the hood playground. Easy! Friday night we went over to the club with Kevin's parents for dinner. 

Saturday morning was the morning of sports. Grady had an early game. Molly Anne had field hockey so she went with Greer to that then we met them over there. 

Sporty spice loves field hockey!

Saturday night Kevin and I went up to The Office. It was a great vibe - awesome band and gorgeous evening to sit on the patio. We even got to see our friend Leslie there!

Then we headed to our friends house for their annual Halloween party that had taken an 8 year break. It was amazingggg as always. She always goes above and beyond. And beyond some more. And their house is GORGEOUS. 

Their backyard is so awesome. 

We all carved pumpkins and of course they had prizes for best, worst and most creative. 

And a pumpkin in the pool. We haven't laughed that hard on a night out in a long time. So much fun with old and great friends. 

Talk soon friends. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Amazing Shirt and Jeans

ONE - this shirt is amazing. I wore it out on Saturday night with jeans. Loved it. I washed it the next day and hung it to dry. It dried perfectly, no steamer or iron needed (the best!). Wore it to work yesterday with a pencil skirt, I'm a big fan. 

TWO - you'll see I'm on a hunt for jeans that are not distressed or have raw hems. Need some for work when I travel that look decent. Ordered 4 pairs and these $58 jeans look pretty wonderful. 

THREE - love the uniqueness of the inside of these

FOUR - cool slanted pocket jeans with a little flare. 

FIVE - a little $$$ than what I'd prefer to spend on trendy jeans. But I like them!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Well Rounded Children

I have a lot of things that I think pretty strongly about but one of the biggest things is that I want my children to be well rounded.

I want them to do a good job at school because that's their job right now. And it's expected by this household. We work hard at our jobs. They should too. 

I want them to know how to play sports and be a team player. I want them to feel what it's like to not have a good game and to lose. I obviously want them to win. Sooo much to learn by playing team sports. I'm sooo grateful my parents took me to allllll of the practices and games. Definitely shaped me in all sorts of ways of life. 

I want them to know how to talk to other adults. How to look at people in the eye and talk. How to pick up the phone and call people and quit the texting!

I want them to know to do things for people without having to tell others that they did it. Know what I mean? 

I want them to go to church where they feel comfortable. And not to feel forced. 

I want them to exercise and know that it's good for their body. Same with food and drink. Moderation is a beautiful thing. I need to stop eating popcorn ha!

I want them to be interested in hobbies. Whether that's crafts, card collecting, puzzles, reading. Whatever floats their boat for relaxing. 

Soooooo, we must make good examples so they see it at home. How else will they know to do it? I think they learn by seeing it happen, not by me preaching it all. Although I definitely tell them alllll of the things. As I'm sure you can imagine by just this post. 

We expect a lot of them and will love them through all of the learning and experiences. 

I'm sure I've missed things. Just jotted this down quickly. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Easy Salmon Bowls

Last week I made salmon bowls for dinner. Any "bowl" in our house is a winner because the kids get to make their own (within reason) so then they eat what they fix themselves. It works every time. 

I sort of used this recipe but made it my own out of lack of time and ingredients ha!

1. I got a one pound piece of fresh salmon from the grocery. Put it on a piece of foil and kind of curled up the sides so I could put some avocado oil, soy sauce, sesame oil and rice vinegar on it. Just splashes of each. Cooked in air fryer at 390 for about 15 minutes. Cut on a plate in big chunks. 
2. Broccoli cooked in a pan in avocado oil. 
3. Uncle Ben's instant 90 second rice package. 
4. Avocados 
5. Asian Cucumber Salad that I had made on Sunday. 
6. Sauce - Mayo and siracha combined. 

Directions - pile all into a bowl. Delish!

Monday, October 7, 2024

NC State Game

We had three big events this weekend:
NC State Football Game in Raleigh
Michael's 50th Birthday party 
Family and friends day at church 

Here are all of the pics!

We rolled into Raleigh about an hour before the game and left to go back to Charlotte at halftime. 

Learning what tailgating is like for 18-21 year olds! 

We got to tailgate with my bestest from college in her amazing parking spot! 

She made this sign and carried it everywhere. 

Kevin got to go on the field to do a promotion for his company at halftime!

Stopped at Duckworth's back near the house for a quick dinner. This boy loves wings. 

Then a 15 min regroup at home for a shower until our babysitter came then to Michaels 50th bday party at DBs! 

Sunday morning with the puppy who is limping again. Ugh!!

Family and friends day at church. 

Then I took grady to the batting cage to practice. The slowest their machine pitches is 40mph and Grady's used to more like 30mph so this was awesome practice. He did well. 

Talk soon friends. Salmon bowl "recipe" coming up tomorrow! 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Random Friday

Let's see. Whats going on this week?

1. I fed my kids hamburger helper one night. 

2. Mills had two vet appointments this week. He got a good report at the oncologist on Monday. The other appointment is to manage his Cushings disease. 

3. Both kids got their flu shots on Monday. Check check. 

4. The disaster in western North Carolina is just so terrible. Not much federal relief happening (if any) but the way the people in the surrounding area and Charlotte have banned together has been incredible. 

5. Had a makeup tennis match this week and it was odd for this working mama to be playing on a random week day. Unfortunately we lost! 

6. Dreaming of going to Banff one day. Maybe in the Summer. Random thought I know. 

Maybe some cool air coming in October? I'm tired of being hot. Chat soon friends.