Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wish List

1. I've posted about these pants before but I just got them in the mail and they're amazing. They have zip pockets and feel a bit dressier. I like them possibly more than these which I wear constantly (which have the band going down the sides). 

2. Put these goldish slippers on my Christmas wish list for Kevin. My Lands End slippers are toast and have been for a couple of years. It's time!

But let's be honest, aren't these amazing?

3. I'll be honest, this amazing perfume is super duper expensive but it's a scent that I've loved since an ex-boyfriend's Mom gave it to me in 2005 (HAHA!). I've only had to buy two bottles since then and I only wear it in the winter. It's my favorite. Kevin knows it's a ridiculous purchase but he may humor me anyway. 

4. I got this sweater that I mentioned last week in the mail yesterday and it's really good. I think it'll be a staple this fall. I may need the cream color since it's on sale.

5. Kevin also found these pajamas on my wish list but in one size up. They shrink! Anyway, I'm pretty excited about these. I don't think I've bought pajamas in 5+ years. 

1 comment:

  1. The silver Uggs are amazing!! I love my Lake PJs, but have found that they don't seem to hold up for me - the elastic in the waist always seems to give out faster than other PJs. I really love "Printfresh" pjs!!
