Monday, November 6, 2017

Low Key Weekend

We had one thing to do all weekend and it was GLORIOUS!  Basically this house has been A LOT of work lately and we are just absolutely zapped by Friday.  

The one thing we had was soccer on Saturday morning!  She had her game face on!

The first half she actually followed most instructions.  The second half, not so much.  Ha!  My Dad enjoyed watching her play via FaceTime.  It's these times they wished they lived closer so they wouldn't miss these fun things!  

That evening the three of us had a hot date to Kabuto.  Molly Anne LOVED it.  I say that every time we take her there. I wish we had gotten a picture but when the chef was tossing the zucchini in everyone's mouth, she had her mouth so wide open but missed it.  She giggled so loudly, she was tickled!  She was enthralled by the fire.  She kept saying, "more fire!"  

Chopsticks were a big highlight and she did pretty well with them!

Sunday we did nothing.  Well, Mills and the three of us went on a long walk but that was about it.  I meal prepped for the week.  Molly Anne said this bear looked like Millsy!  I thought that was a hoot.  You just never know what is going to come out of her mouth!

I promise she didn't play on my iPad all weekend. Actually here is a little iPad update.  I took YouTube and YouTube Kids off my iPad.  I had to do it.  You Tube was gone months ago when she figured out what it was.  YouTube Kids was consuming her mind even though she was only watching it a max of 20 minutes in the morning while we got ready for work. She was singing, "baby finger baby finger where are youuuu?"  You parents know what song I'm talking about.  I was tired of that and of her begging for my iPad.  SO, we cut all of that out.  

I have some apps on there for her to play with now - she loves all of the Video Touch apps and they are educational.  And I have the Frozen app that she can do puzzles on.  Let me tell you, two weeks ago she didn't know how to do a puzzle at all.  Today, she can do an entire puzzle by herself.  Good problem solving, good fine motor skills.  Learning!  MUCH better than worthless YouTube Kids videos of learning colors which she already knew.  

Last night we had a good dinner and got our act together for the week.  Tomorrow I'll be back sharing my grocery haul of the week and a few meals we are having.  

1 comment:

  1. I have friends who's kids love those weird videos of other people playing with toys. So weird what kids like. Sounds like a nice and relaxing weekend!
