Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekend Stuff

Friday school hair do. Lots of different creations these days. No free for all hair in our world during the beginning of the year when you know what is all around!

Friday night MA had swim and G had baseball. Then we scooted over to the high school football game. Lots of chaos but the kids love it. 

Saturday morning Grady had his first game. No jerseys yet though! He played catcher for a couple of innings!

Saturday night we went out for sushi. 

Grady was into it! Molly Anne got Mac n cheese. Sorta rolling my eyes over that. But not worth the battle that night. 

The girls next door and Molly Anne have loved having tracks drawn on our driveway for them to skate and rollerblade on! Had to have a new one done yesterday after the power washing! 

Saturday night soccer on wheels after dinner. Mills also got a bath hence the wet driveway. 

Hope everyone had a nice weekend! 

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