Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Meals this Week

Here is our riveting menu this week. Keeping things super simple. I asked the kids to each pick one meal too. 

Monday - take and bake pizza from grocery store when we picked up groceries on our way into town after a ton of traffic. 

Tuesday - chicken quesadillas. Marinated chicken in taco seasoning then grilled it and chopped. Threw these on a skillet for about 5 min when we got home from swim. Served with fruit. Wish I had avocados but didn't. Used Keto tortillas so 60/70 cal per tortillas. 

Wednesday - trying this Baked Feta Pasta tik tok recipe that Julie told me about. Using protein pasta (barilla) and got a rotisserie chicken to add to it. 

Thursday - breakfast for dinner. Eggs, scrapple and maybe an eggo waffle. 


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