Monday, September 30, 2024

Party and Oktoberfest

Friday schools were closed for Hurricane Helene. We didn't have any damage, just a bunch of branches down which we picked up on Sunday. The mountains of North Carolina are soooo sad. We are thinking of all. These two played so well together Friday while I worked.  

Found this on my phone ha. 

Friday night was a surprise 40th party for my friend Sarah! It was a blast and she was shocked. Surprise parties are so fun. 

Saturday I played tennis then took the kids to Kate's Skates. Molly Anne had been begging me to take her because she is super into rollerblading. Grady had never skated before but he picked it right up super well. I think they were both shocked when I got rollerblades on and skated with them. Haha. 

Flying around the rink!

Our neighborhood Oktoberfest was Saturday night. Yes we went out back to back nights which we never do. I was so tired!

When I got home on Saturday night!

Sunday we cleaned up the yard like I said, made chili, went for a 3 mile walk and just hung around. Early bed times for sure! 

Talk soon friends. 

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