Thursday, September 26, 2024


I've been a bit MIA this week. Just trying to get some things done. I traveled yesterday. Then had an evening full of activities. 

Grady in a hat that Molly Anne made. Silly dude!

Going to put these on both sides at our front door. Just need to get two that match. From Pikes if you're local!

We have been on book overload and I finally took the time to sort the books. One box of "save" childhood books your attic and one box of sharing books to some girls at work that have 1 year olds. 

Ole Millsy is hanging in there. He went with me to pick up the kids on day this week! He's a good boy. 

I still can't bring myself to buy pumpkins for the front porch. It's still so hot! 

Hope everyone stays safe with the rain coming! I made white chicken chili the other day and it was so good! 

Talk soon! 

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