Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekend Stuff

Friday school hair do. Lots of different creations these days. No free for all hair in our world during the beginning of the year when you know what is all around!

Friday night MA had swim and G had baseball. Then we scooted over to the high school football game. Lots of chaos but the kids love it. 

Saturday morning Grady had his first game. No jerseys yet though! He played catcher for a couple of innings!

Saturday night we went out for sushi. 

Grady was into it! Molly Anne got Mac n cheese. Sorta rolling my eyes over that. But not worth the battle that night. 

The girls next door and Molly Anne have loved having tracks drawn on our driveway for them to skate and rollerblade on! Had to have a new one done yesterday after the power washing! 

Saturday night soccer on wheels after dinner. Mills also got a bath hence the wet driveway. 

Hope everyone had a nice weekend! 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Five on Friday - Necklace, Candlesticks, Power Washing and Field Day

ONE - stopped by Cotswold Marketplace this week which is the cutest shop ever. Picked up this adorable necklace. Just saw it and loved it. Typically wouldn't have bought anything but had to have this. Here is her website. 

TWO - also grabbed these raspberry candlesticks. Love the pop of color! My mother would be ashamed I haven't burned the wick a bit!

THREE - had our house, driveway and sidewalk power washed this week. What a difference!

FOUR - my company had a field day last night so Molly Anne skipped swim and we went up there. The kids had a blast! 

FIVE - Kevin has been out of town this week but he's back now. The three of us had a good week together but it's been busy! We've had a bunch of stuff every night but all good. I love these two. 

Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Five on Thursday

ONE - loving this sweatshirt

TWO - been on the hunt for a dressier watch band

THREE - dreaming up a wish list and I think I want a goose!

FOUR - another sweatshirt that caught my eye

FIVE - well this color is super pretty

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


We are hefty into sports after school around here. Every day except Monday we have something. Molly Anne started field hockey with Charlotte Ambush yesterday. Grady plays baseball at Weddington. They both play tennis (easy button for me and they LOVE Coach Eddie). Molly Anne is swimming a couple of days a week. Grady will start swim in October. All good things and a very strict schedule of all of the things every night. They have to do all of their school work before sports. They are getting it done! 

Yesterday morning I got to help my friend Mandy celebrate her 40th birthday at Ballantyne spa. It was a HUGE treat for me on a Tuesday!! I got to have a facial and that's only my second one ever. It was great and Krista who did it was so sweet. Of course my phone sat on my stomach in case school called. Ha. Mom life. 

My fav drink these days - blanco tequila, splash grapefruit and splash of club soda. With a lime! 

Will be back here tomorrow! 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Low Key Weekend

I'll be honest I really needed a low key weekend. Every weekend we have either hosted people at the beach, been in Maryland or run around like crazy people. We had some plans this weekend but nothing wild. 

First stop, one of Grady's friends invited us over spur of the moment for him to play. 

Then we headed over to our club for dinner. Few other families were going too so it was fun. We were there until after 9! 

Got this cutie pic the other day! Lizard whisperer!

Oh back to dinner Friday night. 

The girls put together a dance outside and the boys played football while the adults socialized. Parenting at its finest. But everyone is happy!

Played tennis on Saturday morning with friends then I took Grady to baseball! This is an old jersey but he's on the Orioles this year - yay! He already had this hat of course!

Saturday afternoon we were watching the US Open and they sang God Bless America to start and I looked over and there was grady with his hand over his heart listening intently. A very good dude!!

I took Molly Anne to finally pick out the sol de janeiro kit she has been earning. She was soooooo excited. I surprised her with going to Starbucks to get a pink drink too. She was so happy. She craves the one on one time with me and honestly we don't have it too often but she loves when we do. She said it was the best day ever. 

I made some appetizers, we got wings from Duckworth's and we watched the NC State game with our next door neighbors. The girls made slime and sold it while we were all hanging out. They made $28. They each kept $2 and said the rest was for charity. 

Well that continued into Sunday when they set up shop again with all kinds of food and drink, painted rocks, moped rides, decorated coasters, paintings and more. They made another $150. Insane. They gave $100 to a near and dear charity that helps children which is what they said they wanted to do with it. Young entrepreneurs at their finest! Love it. And mostly love that they all wanted to give back. 

We ended the weekend with church - the kids started choir for this school year! They were excited.

Don't forget to check out the Lilly sale today!!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Five on Friday - Mills, Freckles

ONE - big cheers for zero doc appointments for this buddy this week. His wound is still open on his leg (third one since mid May) but a bandaid helps lessen the cone time!

TWO - ended up at Green Fetish for lunch in Greenville, SC one day this week. Soooo good!

THREE - part of the kids lunch. Cutie containers from Target or Wal-Mart. 

FOUR - gosh I love his freckles!! This was when we were exercising in the neighborhood near where Molly Anne swims. Exercising while my kids are in activities is so very helpful. Always have done it and always will do it. It's gone from Grady in a stroller to him scooting on his scooter through Providence Country Club and now riding his bike! So fun!

FIVE - last time wearing a classic Lilly shift. She is officially grown out of the shifts!! Ahhhhh hard to believe! She's worn them since she was born!! PS - did you all see the big Lilly sale is coming up on Monday online?!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday Round Up

ONE - classic black dress to be worn forever and ever 

TWO - I love having shirts like this in my closet because I immediately feel put together when I put it on. 

THREE - a pink jacquard top

FOUR - can never have too many sweatshirts!

FIVE - I love the relaxed fit of this top. I grabbed black, white and a lilac last year. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Meals this Week

Here is our riveting menu this week. Keeping things super simple. I asked the kids to each pick one meal too. 

Monday - take and bake pizza from grocery store when we picked up groceries on our way into town after a ton of traffic. 

Tuesday - chicken quesadillas. Marinated chicken in taco seasoning then grilled it and chopped. Threw these on a skillet for about 5 min when we got home from swim. Served with fruit. Wish I had avocados but didn't. Used Keto tortillas so 60/70 cal per tortillas. 

Wednesday - trying this Baked Feta Pasta tik tok recipe that Julie told me about. Using protein pasta (barilla) and got a rotisserie chicken to add to it. 

Thursday - breakfast for dinner. Eggs, scrapple and maybe an eggo waffle. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Friday was wear your college colors day at school! My NC State people!

We scooted to the beach a little bit early. We grabbed them out of school one hour early and that made a huge difference in getting to OIB traffic wise. We got unpacked and headed to Sharky's for dinner before the concert. Our friends Dan and Tanya last minute stayed with us too and they met us at dinner. 

Big concert fans! The band gave them old drumsticks and grady a cymbal!

Got our lights working on the palm trees again!

Saturday morning Grady and I walked and scooted. Then we came back and got Mills to walk on the beach. I wanted to get his open wound in the salt water. It really helped him. 

Then Drew and Hilary asked if we wanted to go on a boat ride. Well of course! We went up to Holden Beach got to stop and see a guy I work with in the real estate world then stopped for lunch at Inlet View. 

It was a good time!

I love his little feet crossed. 

Went back and headed over to Jen and Jade's for a pool party and college football. Too much fun!

Saturday night we grilled steaks at home but our grill kept catching on fire. It was honestly kind of a mess but we got it done. Ha! Mills is a good boy. 

On Sunday the kids, Mills and I went to Pawleys to meet our new nephew/cousin Marsh, while Kevin stayed back with his friend. Look at 9 week old Marsh!

Grady got to drive Sarah's boat! And Sarah took them on a boat ride too!

Uncle Clay taught Grady all of the things. Fishing too. Got a redfish!

The three Goldens went swimming in the creek and had a great time. They have a sandbar out there at low tide and it was so fun. Mills will probably sleep for three days this week to recover. 

Goldens only in this family!

We got back to Ocean Isle just before 5pm and we went to Jinks for dinner! The sunset from there is so pretty. We had this Jewels of the Sea pasta dish and it was soooo good. 

Monday was raining so we just got our act together, did laundry and packed up a lot of our clothes from the summer to take them home. Twas a fun weekend. I am tired!