Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend

Ya know, these "holiday" days can come out and getcha out of no where. It was a tough day in my little world with my own mom. Her health has really declined and it's so very sad. Keeping all of my friends in my thoughts that are dealing with the same. Nothing can prepare you for this point in your life when your children are a bit older and easier then your parents health is worse. Trying to keep it positive in this little space of mine but it has not been easy over the last 6 months or so. You're not alone if you're in the same place. 

Onto the highlights.

On Friday Kevin and I got to go to the PGA golf tournament at Quail Hollow. One of our GCs was super kind to give me clubhouse tickets. We saw a ton of old friends there which was awesome. It was a great time. Now that all of our old babysitters that are in college are home for summer, we have lots of babysitters and drivers haha! Allie took us up and back! 

When we came home the kids asked if they could go jump in our neighbors pool. We were over there about 5 minutes before it started storming ahh! Isn't their back yard beautiful?!

Little lovies. 

On Saturday Grady and I went for a few mile back ride. Then we all went to his game. My friend Brittany brought cupcakes and mimosas for all of the moms. How sweet and kind was that? Very thoughtful. 

And our neighborhood pool opened Saturday so we spent the rest of the day there with friends!

Sunday morning surprises! The teachers are moms themselves and do so much for our kiddos by sending home flowers, crafts and more. 

Church with my people. 

We hung the rest of the day. Bike rides, walking, playing. Kevin took Molly Anne to go get me a red velvet nothing Bundt cake, red carnations and hand sanitizers. What would I do without her?! Then we headed to Kevin's parents and took dinner down there. It was nice! 

I gave these to each of our Mom's. The hearts are for each of their grandchildren. So Kevin's mom has two granddaughters and one grandson. My mom's has three pinks and one blue. They're acrylic blocks that you can set on your desk or shelf. They're really special and sweet. My friend Elise makes them - see her Instagram @eliselongdesigns if you're interested!

Back to it today. Ready for a new week my friends. 

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