Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend

We are always proud and thankful to be Americans, this weekend and every day. 

We had a wonderful time with dear and old friends this weekend! We headed down to Ocean Isle on Thursday night. Molly Anne missed her first day of school all year on Friday but it was well worth it! Cartoon watching. Hopefully not YouTube! 

Brad and Shauna joined us on Friday and about 4 or 5 other families too! It was a big high school reunion group of Kevin's buddies!

Haley, Tanya, Erin, Me, Shauna

We had an amazing time all weekend. I'll let the pics do the talking. It was special seeing all of the kids together and the big kids too!

Our neighbor two doors down gave us soooo much tuna and mahi. This was our tuna app and the next night I made mahi bites sprinkled with a little old bay!

First night Erin and Rob hosted pizza, wings and salad before the concert. Saturday night we had a low country boil and about 40 people to our house. Sunday we did burgers and dogs and there were only like 23 of us. 

All of the dudes that grew up together!

Ignore our not finished rock (hard to get people to work at the beach) but check out the three Grady White boats in a row. 

It was a weekend well spent. Treasured friendships, important chats, tons of high noon and a lot of really tired kids! 

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