Friday, May 17, 2024

Five on Friday - Cleopatra and Charlotte Aquatics

1. This sort of frosted mint volcano candle has made me very happy this week. 

2. Molly Anne was Cleopatra in the 3rd Grade Wax Museum this week and she was wonderful. She had her speech memorized and performed in front of all of the parents of course! Ms. Creative made all of her props too. 

3. Been a rough week for this little boy but his angel oncologist has been incredible AGAIN! She has stepped in when our regular vet wasn't helping and coordinated so much for me. I am so thankful for her. We are soon getting Millsy feeling better. 

4. Grady graduated level 4 at Charlotte Aquatics! Proud of him. This was a big deal. 

5. He also had his well visit where he goofed off with his pediatrician for a majority of the time. It's so great that he loves his awesome doc so much. He's a healthy growing boy, so very thankful. Now if we can get the croup to stop happening I'd be grateful!

6. This is now a common sight at our house and I'm loving every minute. Playing outside after school and homework has always been important to me. Most people in our hood are prob like do you all ever go inside?! Haha! These are the days!

They picked out their outfits for school this morning! I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. I hope Mills will be ok. You take such wonderful care of him.
