Monday, August 17, 2020

First Day of Kindergarten!

Today is Molly Anne's first day of kindergarten!  She has been SO excited!  She was downstairs at 6:25am ready to roll!  She picked out her first day of school dress and how she wanted her hair and everything.  They do staggered entry at her school so she only goes one day this week and so do the rest of the kindergartners.  After they evaluate all of the students, they get assigned a homeroom teacher on Thursday night.  On Friday morning, she will have a Zoom call for her meet the teacher.  

And for our County with the covid situation, she will be in person learning one day a week and the other days be home doing virtual learning.  We are hoping that the numbers shake out and they may add in person learning days for the children that are participating in Plan B as North Carolina calls it.  

Here are her first day pictures!

We got to walk her in today!  All Kindergartners were able to be walked in!

The principal was there to greet us!  He's so wonderful and a big reason we feel so comfortable there.  

Then she walked to the Kindergarten rooms with another teacher and didn't even look back!  I wasn't surprised because she does really well in new situations.  She is confident and pretty flexible so I wasn't worried a bit about her.  We got in the car and Kevin made a comment that he was so pleased with her being at our particular school.  We are happy with it all but do wish she got to go in person five days a week!  Hopefully life gets back to normal soon but in the meantime, we are excited for our Kindergartner!!  Yes, Mama had teary eyes walking out of there - mainly because I'm so proud of her but also because she was just born and now she's growing right up!  I'll be at the front of the carline to pick her up today!

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