Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mills Barked!

This lil bubba found his vocal chords last night. He's never barked before. He's always done this whimpy, half real bark and that's only every now and then.  Basically he just doesn't bark. 

Well last night I let him out and he didn't come right back in. He went to our back right fence line and I thought Rudy was barking at Mills as they usually like to play.  Well I went out there and it was Mills barking. I couldn't believe it!  

Evidently this morning he's quite tired from learning something new!  Let's just hope he stays mostly quiet still! ;)


  1. I don't know what's making me laugh more - that he finally barked or that he's wiped from doing it. What a good boy.

  2. I wish we had a no barking issue with Pixie, that girl barks like it's her job! So cute you heard sweet Mills bark for the first time!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  3. I knew he had it in him haha : )

  4. Jax isn't a big barker either. Thank goodness!

  5. Camden doesn't bark much either. Mostly only when he is ready to be let back inside. It's so nice not to have to worry about barking isn't it?

  6. Hahaha, too funny! Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I ever heard Bryce's old dog Honcho was nice!
