Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving Week

Back to reality after a really fun week!

The kids were out of school half day last Tuesday so we scooted down to the beach. My parents drove down from Maryland and met us about the same time. 

Wednesday morning Dad and I went to pick up our Wal-Mart order then of course had to stop by 59 Causeway to pick up breakfast on the way home! I love that place!

We were all kind of working and messing around on a rainy Wednesday. I took the kids over to Planet Fun in Shallotte for some laser tag and bowling!

We went to dinner at Maria's which is my favorite spot in Ocean Isle for dinner when it's cold and rainy. It was delicious per usual!

When Poppa goes to Spilt Milk for some ice cream with the grandchildren!

Thanksgiving morning I got up and walked the beach. I love seeing the sunrise and I love a Turkey Trot. Found this huge shell which are super rare on the beach. 

We made a couple more casseroles then headed to Pawleys Island to see my brother and his family. That's Mills down there in the middle of the dock running back! He was SO happy and had the best day with his golden cousin Gill. 

Emily always has a gorgeous table!

Two turkeys, gravy, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, oyster casserole, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, collards, sister schubert of course and deviled eggs. Deliciousness!

This boy liked being there too! All boy all of the time!

We hung by the fire that evening then left to go back to OIB later on. It's sooo convenient that we are so close to our family...only a little over an hour away.

On Friday we messed around the island, visited the craft show and hung out. We got to visit with our friends Regina and Jeff that were in town with their family. Always a good time!

Lots of lounging and loving on the puppy. When Nannie is around, Mills is typically beside her!

Friday night we went over to our friends house for an oyster roast and a whole brisket that we picked up at the Butcher. Look at this thing - 15 pounds of goodness! Jason did an awesome job cooking it. 

And he did a great job with the oyster roast too!

All of the parents!

It was a good vibe!

Saturday we went to the OIB Christmas parade!

An NC State golf cart of course!

Grady loved the go carts and the firemen. I always love the clowns and this year there were rollerskaters in it that were awesome. 

Back in time for cocktail hour - probably our last gin and tonic of the season!

Then we went to our other friend's home for a hot chocolate bar and to see the Flotilla - the boat parade!

It was a bit cold out on the water!

This Margaritaville boat won overall! It was awesome. Playing all Jimmy Buffet music too!

Sunday we got out of there pretty early to head back to Charlotte. Grady came with me to do a couple of errands. He always is up for an errand and I love that about him! We picked out some pretty Christmas wreaths for our front door.

We picked up the other two then went to get our tree! Of course we get it home and it's the perfect height (9') but totally crooked. Haha! Oh well. We got the lights put on it and will do ornaments over this coming week. I also got the window lights on and front of the house mostly done. I'll share photos soon. I love our home at Christmas an extra amount!

Also got our Christmas cards ordered last night. Whew, glad that's over!

Talk soon friends!

1 comment:

  1. Boat parades are the BEST!! We try and get down to my Aunt and Uncle's in south Florida to enjoy one each December. Love it!
