Thursday, September 30, 2021

One Shirt Three Ways

Isn’t this shirt so pretty? The colors are gorgeous! It has a tie around it too that I’m wearing in the bottom picture but not in the first two! Easily comes off and makes this shirt so versatile. 33% off right now. 

Shirt // Cords 

Next time I’ll wear shoes and take these in better light. I need a long mirror! Thanks for dealing with me! ;)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Random Wednesday

Let’s see. What’s going on this week? I have zero meal plan. No help after school with Molly Anne so Kevin and I are winging that. Problems with every one of my projects at work. Living the dream y’all. It could always be worse. 

Tuesdays are PE days at school. They were thrilled to wear their “running shoes” and Molly Anne tied hers finally! Bella taught her how this past summer! Now I’m working with Grady on how to put on his own socks! 

Grady in swim class with Kathryn! He’s quite comfortable with her! He walks in there like he owns the place.

Picked up the framed photo of Grady when he was 2.5. Aren’t they cute at the same age? I’ll hang them and post better pictures soon!

Hilary told me that Maggie has her own alarm that wakes her up on school mornings. I was like genius! Molly Anne now loves setting her own alarm (on Alexa of course) and getting up and dressed by herself…in the outfit I put out for her the night before. It’s pretty amazing I must say. She pops right up versus moaning about having to get up so early when I go in and rub her back to wake her up! 

Hope everyone is have a good week so far! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

Weekend Round Up

My school girl on Friday on her way out the door!

Can’t forget this character who gets to be an only child for an hour each morning after Molly Anne has gone to school and his hasn’t opened yet. 

Hilary and I picked up the girls together on Friday and they just got such a kick out of that! Kevin grabbed Grady for me so we had a big after school treat in the driveway when everyone was home. I painted their nails so they had a popsicle to let them dry afterwards. 

Then we moved next door to their driveway for a Mexican themed dinner with a few families. 

And s’mores of course. 

Saturday we went to the neighborhood pool for Emme’s 6th birthday party! It was so adorable. Her mama always goes above and beyond!

These two are a mess!

Ariel visited!

Hitting the piñata!

Make a wish! She is SIX! 

On Sunday we did this…chilled. And Kevin and I went to a funeral for his uncle. We ended the weekend having his brother over and grilling out. 

French braids overnight equals curly hair. Haha I just noticed Grady on the left of this picture. 

Happy last week of September! 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Four on Friday

Laynie went to Spain this week and we are going to miss her so much! She has picked up Molly Anne from school every day and babysat this past summer and on the weekends too. She is going to Spain for a study abroad program before she starts at Chapel Hill in the Spring. Yes, I’m going to be traumatized about life without Laynie. She helped me so much. 

She brought the kids these squishmallows and they’re adorable!! 

I do all of my peloton strength classes in my bare feet when I am in our home gym. Isn’t that weird?! Here I am Wednesday night fitting in an arms and shoulders class. Shorts // Tank 

I love the back of these tanks!

My children are both obsessed with space. Molly Anne has always liked space and planets etc. but since we were in Maryland when the rocket took off from Wallops Island, it's been to a new extreme. My Mom got them this book when we were up there in August and Molly Anne has read it cover to cover. It's a really good book. 

This is a terrible picture but how cute is this tunic and leggings?!

Grady has turned into such a cute little dude. No more baby stuff in his world. He's a little boy now! I love hearing about his days. He's grown up so much since he started in his 3's class in August. He likes to have conversations about all sorts of things. This morning he was looking at the moon (see, I told you!) and he said that it goes around and around like tractor's wheels! And every day we walk into school he has to run ahead and hold the door for everyone. 

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Camel, Black and Ivory

Yesterday was the first day of Fall and I got all sorts of inspired when I was in J.Crew during my lunch on Monday. These two sections of the store caught my eye more than once so then I was tacky and took a picture because I just loved the black, camel and ivory! 

Everything is 30-40% off!

Oh yes and mix some gray in there too. Love it.

So now I have these five items in my cart from my visit. 

This shirt...a classic for years to come.

Love these high rise comfortable slacks. 

This bag is beautiful. 

The sweater blazer that I need to just go ahead and buy and stop talking about it!

I may be getting back on the corduroy pants train because I love how these looked with the sweater blazer. The camel color too!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Rug

We have needed a new rug for a longgggg time. I'm talking I've washed this bad boy in our driveway with a boat scrub brush and all kinds of different soaps. We've flipped it over. We've done all of the things. But it's 5 years old with a 100 pound golden retriever and two kids and we just had to get a new one! 

We looked at all sorts of places for a new one but we always kept coming back to this Serena and Lily option. And then they sent us a promotional card in the mail while they were running free shipping so we jumped all over it.  For the quality, the price really wasn't terrible! I'm highly impressed with how nice it is. It feels good on your feet and looks extra nice in person.

Anyway, here are some good ole fashioned before and after photos!


You'll see we had to move the blue and white chair upstairs to our room because it didn't work with the rug. We knew that when we ordered the rug and honestly we have enough seating down here anyway. 




Need to do something about the pillow situation on the sofa. We may take these to the beach and get some new ones here. I keep seeing coral pop up in my head. We shall see! I love coral and navy together and I think with our 50% sea salt walls it could work. I don't know, we'll see. Not in a rush for them. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Something New To Me

Hello everyone!

It’s a rainy couple of days in Charlotte but cooler weather is coming! 

Last week I got an email from our club about a women’s beginner tennis clinic and I was like what the heck, I should do that. So I signed up and went on Friday with my old school racquet from high school! It was 

I didn’t know anyone there other than the guys in charge of the clinic because they put on the children’s lessons that Molly Anne did last year. So I met some new girls, got in a semi decent workout and had a really fun time. It was good for me to do something different like this. Out of my typical comfort zone. Something I enjoyed doing, not something I felt like I had to do. 

I told Molly Anne about it and she said, “mama you didn’t know anyone but you still went and had fun? That’s so cool!”  Yep haha! 

I’m going to go back!!

Monday, September 20, 2021

50th Anniversary and Willie Nelson

On Friday night we attended Kevin’s parents 50th anniversary party! It was so nice! 

The children greeted everyone with leis! They are going to Hawaii for a trip, hence the Hawaii theme!

Laynie picked up the kids and the rest of the night began. Speeches, dancing, dinner, cake and all of the things! 

Thankful for such a wonderful example of love and commitment! 

We had a watercolor done of their home which they’ve lived in a majority of those 50 years! Put it in a gold frame since the traditional 50 gift is gold!

Kevin and I stayed at the club after the party ended and had a couple of drinks and listened to the band. Fun!

Saturday morning scooting! They played at home almost all day. Kevin took Molly Anne down to his parents for most of the afternoon while Grady napped. 

The four of us went to Improper Pig for dinner on Saturday and and came upon a concert that was starting. It was so fun. The band was called Party Nation out of Atlanta. 

Yesterday we went to the club for brunch then came back for naps, meal prep for the week and watching the Panthers. 

Then Kevin and I headed to the Sturgill Simpson and Willie Nelson concert. Big night for a school night! Sturgill ended up not playing and I know Kevin was disappointed. Willie was great though - 88 years old and still put on a show!

Cali sent me this cute picture of them while we were out!!

Happy Monday!