Friday, July 1, 2016

Five on Friday - Lilly gifts

We've had a busy but good week.  I've gotten to catch up on a lot of things since this was the first in 6 or 8 weeks I didn't have to travel. Whew!!

1.  Starting today Lilly is doing gifts with purchase!  I was in the Charlotte store getting a few things this week and I'm picking it all up today so I can get the gifts with purchase - two wine totes and a deck of cards.  Vicki of course helped me pick out everything!  You get the deck of cards with any purchase and the two wine totes with $150+ purchase.  She mentioned monograming cute would that be?!

2.  We finally got our mulch done yesterday!  It looks SO good!!!  Kevin and I have been working on prepping all of the beds so this was awesome to finally have done.  Mulch makes such a big difference. 

3.  Bubbles for both children while I grilled. Entertainment haha. 

4.  Why does she look so grown up here?!!!  

5.  She had her class birthday party on Wednesday.  I'll share pictures next week after we celebrate her turning 1 all weekend.  We cannot believe it!!!

Chat soon friends!


  1. I can't wait to see how Molly Anne's first birthday party turns out! Have a great holiday weekend!

  2. I can't believe she is one already! The year has flown!

  3. She is already a year old?! Wow! Happy 1st Birthday!

  4. Eeeeek!! One! I can't believe you were pregnant when we met and now your baby girl is about to be one! Crazy! Love those Lilly wine totes, they would make a great summertime hostess gift...filled with a bottle, of course!

  5. Yay! I hope MA's birthday weekend is lots of fun! Love the free gifts with purchase you are getting. Monogramming them would be so cute!

  6. I love those gifts with purchase! So cute! Also, how is MA a year old already?!? Jess at Just Jess
