Let me just tell y'all...this weekend by far was one of the best ones in a long, long LONG time. And it was because of Mr. Thoughtful!!! Friday night we just had dinner in and chilled. We were getting up early and I had NO idea what we were doing all day. This bothered me since I'm such a planner, but Kevin had a plan and wouldn't tell me what it was! We got up and ran the booty loop, came home and layed by the pool for a few hours. Then he said he wanted to do some errands and we should get ready to go out and about.
So we both showered and got ready. Of course I had a million questions like - am I going to get hot (aka i didn't want to do my hair), what should I wear..... He said, "just chill and wear something like you usually would, we're just doing random errands that I want to do."
Then he told me we should take my car. I was stubborn and said, "no, I drive all week and you haven't driven in 2 weeks - let's take your car!" (PS - he works across the street from our building and he always drives on the weekend). Welllll we go out "to do errands" and we pull up to this shopping center in Cotswold and he said he needed to drop something off. Okay, weird. You never go to GNC. Then he said, "I need to drop you off at the massage place next door. You have an appointment at 3pm for a massage and a coco mojito foot scrub." AHHH, nicest thing ever!! It was AH-MAY-ZING. And we were suppose to take my car because it is gray, not black, and he was going to take it to get washed when I was in getting the massage. Too bad I was too stubborn! Ha!
This is a picture in the "quiet room" of the foot scrub I got! Coco Mojito... (I know it is hard to see!)

Umm it didn't stop there. We came home just in time to watch the Criterium because one of my co-workers was in it. She did great by the way! We evidently had dinner plans that I didn't know about either. We went up after the race and he told me to dress decently (don't you love how guys put that stuff) and we'd meet at 7:45 to walk somewhere uptown for dinner. We walked (what I thought was aimlessly) around and finally walked into Aquavina (where he of course had reservations). Neither of us had ever been before so it was fun to try something different. This is us after dinner...not the best picture but oh well!
On our way home, we walked to Crave which is an upscale dessert bar that just opened. It was nice but not what we expected. I don't think we are metro enough for that place!
We had an amazing weekend. I still can't believe he did all of this for me, JUST BECAUSE. I'm SO lucky. :)